About 9000 or so.




:lol son u need to stop posting the GOD DAMN GIF’s ITS LIKE YOU GOT THESE THINGS READY ALL THE TIME



idk but i wanna advertise in your sig

im actually stuck in the same boat with my macbook pro. we have leopard which they do not update anymore. Update to lion is 30 bucks but the problem is in order to have the app store to buy lion you need snow leopard installed onto the computer which is another 30 bucks. the lion wont install untill the software is at least 10.6.8 or something like that. There are a couple methods to trick the lion os into thinking your computer has snow leopard so you can skip that step and not have to pay for it… its on my agenda of things to do over winter break because leopard is ancient now.




oh man the +rep comments i got from that post :rofl

PJB you are redic :lol

And, in the end, as always, this site is not a national forum, should not be run like one, and is mostly just a place for IRL friends to communicate while at home. With that said, again, as always, this should be a pay/donate to access site. I’d gladly pay 5 dollars a month or whatever, and let everyone and everyone advertise FOR FREE.

:rofl @ the last couple posts.

Thanks Singh for clearing that up, that’s what I figured. I definitely don’t need a sticky thread or anything.


Wait what?

Not a national forum? I dont see an HTTPS:// in my url bar. Its the internets, shift is WORLD WIDE homie. It will never and can never be a “local” site. local orientated sure, but not closing the doors to people outside a 50 mile radius! Lets hand out VPN tokens and we can all sign into the server, and browse the site on an intranet. :rofl I am just busting balls, I get your point. In fact I have been arguing that for EVER, the fact that people run their mouths inappropriately a lot and you never know who you might pull up next to at a gas pump.

Users should not need to pay, donations are another thing. If people want to contribute, but not want to cough up money to do so, SHAPE UP and turn this place on to more people. Making the place feel like the cool table in the lunch room and not inviting outsiders in is only hurting you in the end. Sponsors like myself help fund the site, we do so becasue we stand to make money at our business from referrals coming from Shift518, so we pay our fees without hesitation. Without new people coming here I wouldn’t be in a position I am to make my business grow, so it would be useless for me to advertise here. Take ASS,CRC,IHS,Cap.Gold out of the picture and its back on Vlads shoulders to fund the site, just to get people attacking him for dumb shit… I doubt he will keep it going.

we all have a role to play here, if we want to be here.

Seems you’re one of the only few people here that get it.

And BigRed since you keep coming in here trying to prove that I’m being unreasonable and unfair, let me pull some quotes from PM’s.

cliffnotes are in bold**

It’s $40 for a month and that will get you a banner, and a sticky thread.

If you’re willing to pay $20 for each reference to other people, this is a no brainier as I’m sure you got quite a few sales from the site already.

  • Vladimir[/quote]

That was on 7th of May.

It’s $40 for a month and that will get you a banner, and a sticky thread.

If you’re willing to pay $20 for each reference to other people, this is a no brainier as I’m sure you got quite a few sales from the site already.

  • Vladimir[/quote]

Lemme see how much business I get off this sale, so far everyone has flaked in typical shift fashion.[/quote][/quote]

can you make me a deal for June July and August? Im going to school at the end of august.[/quote]


You want a sticky/banner setup?

You have a banner?[/quote]

nope, could singh make me one?[/quote]

Any luck with Singh?

You wanted 3 months right? We could start counting in June and end at the end of August.

Have you decided which way you want to do it? Pre or retroactive?[/quote]

what way would you suggest?[/quote]

Haven’t heard from you? You never send me a banner either?

I’m assuming you didn’t move forward with the agreement so if you’d like to market next year we can start over. Right now there is another detailing sponsor inquiring about vending prices so we shall see.[/quote][/quote]

That was on July 30th.

Then I get this message after everything was said and done, seeing how many cars you did.

Total and complete failure. Not even one car. Flakers[/quote]

And then after I had to look into the matter to see if you did actually do anything

Total and complete failure. Not even one car. Flakers[/quote]


aero flaked those other two were from in may[/quote]

…from your other sponsor thread that was only left up because of the agreement.

So what you’re trying to tell me is you go no business thanks to the site.

Obviously honor system didn’t with you and I should have known better.[/quote]

I owe you for chuck and travis. as far as the august sale it has been zero business.[/quote]

That was early September.

You do realize I made you the fairest deal possible… advertise all you want and if you get any cars just throw me a slice for being the driving force for sales.



You’ve agreed, marketed done the jobs, YOU said yourself you owe me money, I haven’t even asked for the money since we’ve had the discussion as I felt as this wasn’t a fair deal to me and I’d rather not go on having any sort of deals with you and now your little friend wants to bring it up saying

Man oh man, you need new friends because this one is just making you look embarrassed.

I’m sure I’ll find another detailer to gladly advertise on the site, Kramer has been wanting to do it for quite some time and there are many others, maybe even Bakerian, but have fun having your name and your business ethics tarnished over the petty money.


Cliffs: read bold

Vlad, you may wanna offer a form of lubrication with that post.

:rofl Cossey.

Must spread rep before repping Vlad again. Way to keep records man. I do the same thing if I get the sense that something may be fishy or not work out as expected. That’s why I created a photography contract for my wedding business because I got screwed out of $150 that a couple still owes me (but keeps telling me will pay me). Now I’ve created a legally binding agreement since I’m not about to lose money again.


damn vlad always comes up with the old quotes, he even gets me in trouble with that shit sometime, its like those reality shows where the editors rewind to older shows to prove the one person is lying :rofl

well thats what it is then.

