people talking Sh*t ?

I guess somebody misses me lol? I have been out of the local car scene for about 2 years now. I’m keeping to myself and I have forgotten about 90% of the people on here that I used to know. Well, now I hear that a bunch of people at some party were talking shit about me. Seriously, get a hobby or job or something. I guess I should be happy I’m still a favorite topic for Brent, LOL. I would love to say I’m going to do something to retaliate but I have a good job, family, and hobbies and no need to do so. Maybe if you move on, you could be happy too. Have a good life buddy!

who’s brent?

need a tissue ? … everyone talks shit about everyone man .

dont let it get to ya. Half the people talk shit about me behind my back and then are my acquaintance’s face to face.

If they are talking shit about ya, you are obviously doing something right.

Who are you? Im lost.

I saw your car at mcdonalds once. Just saying.

ladukes a pussy… /my shit talking

Haterz gonna hayytteee.

the o/p licked out mcfluffys x-chick . after fluffy rawdogged it lolol .


buncha shift pansies.

Who gives a fuck. If someone can’t talk about you to your face then they obviously have nothing to say that’s worth your time regardless, and certainly isn’t worth shift bandwidth to post bitching about it here. If nothing else, take gratitude in knowing that they’re just wasting their own time. Maybe they were just striking up fun conversation to get a dull party back inline.

time to thicken the skin a little and move on yourself.

OP is a dope

lol I fail to see the purpose behind this. John you’re awesome and all but by your thought process the second a girl gets raw dogged shes to never have anyone go down on her again except for that person that raw dogged it as long as everyone after him uses a condom but the second that she is rawdogged by someone else no one will ever eat her out again or they’ll face the fury of shift518? lol works for me.

thats why i posted it . fluffy tore herrr up . all jeremy said . leave her alone she is a nice girl lololol

I heart girls on my face.

So she is now officially tainted and can only have fluffy go down on her and only fluffy until someone else rawdogs it thus making it 100% impossible to have anyone else go down on that ever again including fluffy or they will forever be made fun of. !!!

i think o/p did the rawdog on her to . then fluffy did it agin . its a vicous cycle with a whore of a girl

Oh no, so OP and Fluffy both get chicks from the creek? niiice.

yeah , fluffer gets around . o/p still ate leftover fluffer first though
