Do we really need SUV's? Turbos? Big cars?

why do you need a 4 door car? why do you need a twin turbo v6 engine?

OoH boy…

i drive my family around. my grandparents pretty often. my car has the most room out of any of our cars and is the most comfortable for my grandparents.

edit: also, 4 door cars are lower on insurance and get less attention from cops.

you coulda got a camry and it would have suited you the same. Why do you need all the audi bells and whistles and a twin turbo v6?

cuz thats the way it is , when your into cars, i guess I kinda killed my own argument, but i really meant to aim it at people who arent car people in the first place, buying shit that is status quo but kinda overkill

anyways w/e take back what ever i said :stuck_out_tongue: just CBA

would you rather wipe you ass with nice cushy toilet paper or sandpaper or poisen ivy leafs?

people always buy bigger and better than what they really need. It’s how it is everywhere. To sit here and say you don’t understand why people have an H2 when you yourself has a car that is WAY more than you need is completely hypocritical.

I’m all for buying unnecessary shit ;D

the leafs i guess, i dont get taht poison on my skin…

not me bro i totally need 1000cc’s

Exactly. Welcome to America. We aren’t going to start driving smart cars nor stop eating prime rib.

We need to find alternative ways either through engineering in the cars (ECU/Gearing/etc…)/fuels/etc. to accomplish this task. Unfortunately, our Gov’t has done NOTHING over the last decade or so and we are behind the 8 ball. I wonder what gas prices would be like if big business didn’t fuck us so much.

i dont see them slowing down until they get to 9 bucks a gallon

if it wernt for the big business and govt fuckin shit up, playing games and puting regulations on everything i bet we would be 20 years ahead of our time

It’s a shame but we are paying for the mistakes. Not sure what we are to do now as we are far behind. The gas prices affect just about every aspect of a person’s life.

SUV’s ftl

I work in a lumber yard and i get people in there all the time with these massive vehicles, we help load them up and we get into conversation about there huge vehicle and it turns out half of them think its not big enough when they clearly dont need anything that big at all. THere are a select few that have big trucks and actually use them. THen we get the woman in our store that have expeditions and shit like that, they pick up 3 bags of cement and think its to much weight for there vehicle, people fucking kill me, sometimes it really makes me sick to think that people NEED NEED NEED, before i thought like this, i had a few k5 blazers and a big ford bronco, and NEVER used it to full potential and i said fuck it, im never buying something that a icant fully use

you don’t NEED NEED NEED a v8 sports car… you don’t NEED to modify it.

I can’t believe this discussion is happening on a CAR forum

the point is, having a vehicle that overperforms - be it acceleration, top speed, or towing capacity when it’s not being used to make a living - is a luxury.
or a hobby, a or a lifestyle, whatever. but when shit with gas prices hits the fan, you gonna have fewer and fewer people who can afford it, and see any point in it.
shit is just gonna become more fuel-efficient and smaller, that’s the way it is.
in the era of muscle cars people would have laughed at the idea of a high-performance small-sized I4, now look where we are.

While you guys were posting in this thread worrying about gas prices I was out getting 8 mpg driving my car. Let people like Shawn worry about the world that they cant change. ;D

Maybe after we get your boy Dubya out. :slight_smile:

I ain’t worried though. We are all sheep. I just do my thing. :slight_smile:


no i dont need to, but i know why i have it, i know that i use it to full potential, my point was if you have a vehicle that big atlest use it, many people dont, i clearly use my car for what it was built for, and where else would you like to have this discussion about CARS, on a rocknroll foruam maybe? maybe a forum about flowers?