Do you Drink..

Never have, never will

very rarely, maybe one a month IF that

i used to drink real heavily all day, but since i’m back in school, it’s an occasional thing. i still drink heavily when i want to get drunk, but it’s a borderline problem with me so i rarely do it. never on a school night (unless it’s a glass of whiskey while doing homework or something).

Only have a few beers here and there if I go out to a bar. Cant remember the last time I was drunk

“That’s great pal, but this is triple A, you want AA”.

i always drink and im underage is that saying something… Now that the sabres have begun again ill be drunk alot more

yea i hear ya on that one…

actually for the first time in about 4 years i haven’t had anything to drink in a full week… and its kind of nice… no drinking through hangovers… and being more hung over to drink through again… and i have MONEY!! YAY!!

Jesus Christ, what’s with all the dumb fucking threads here lately?

Can we talk about cars again? Please?

Will I have drink? yes. Will I abuse it or drink to get drunk…no

Never been drunk, so yeah…

sure go here

oh man. that was a rough night

my head is killing me


i will have a few after work maybe one night a week, and maybe once a month i go out and party my ass off and get madd wasted…however i must be 1337 because i dont ever get hangovers, even if im so drunk that i pass out.

Never have.
Never will.

Me…never :wink:

the most fun i had drinkin was in alfred and then thats rivaled by dirty’s going away party at the ritz lol

yes I do


occasionally…i got really fucked up a coupple times, and i learned my lesson after that. if anything, i’ll have a coupple beers once in a great while.

yes… i have, and probably still will, its not a daily thing though…