Do you drink more than you should?

I’m pretty sure I don’t, but I was wondering how many of us drink more than we should.

It all really depends, i was on a pretty long bender a few months ago. Ive tried to cut back to weekends and maybe a day during the week. It used to be at least 5 days a week we would drink.

actually the exact opposite for me. lol I should drink more than I do.

I only drink 2, sometimes 3, days a week, but when I do I really tie one on.

I usually have a drink with dinner, captain and ginger ale or sometimes a glass of wine. My gf is a big wine drinker, me not so much. so I guess my vote is no

No I’m addicted to Arnold Palmers so I usually only drink at outings.

Sounds about right, maybe 4 days depending on hockey

Depends on the week… some weeks most definitely… most of the time no though.

I’m from the “Don’t have one drink if you can’t have at least 10” school. Anything else is just empty calories.

There’s a big difference in love for beer and depression/alcohol abuse.

Rarely ever.


Once a week is about it.

Never had a drink. Only alcohol I ever had in me was that in nyquil lol.

Everyone needs to experience that one night that makes you say “I’m never gonna drink like that again” lol

Once a week if that…

I do not. I should be drinking right now circa Mad Men.

I don’t drink 1/10th of what I used to but, that is because I don’t see my friends 1/10th of what I used to. :frowning:

“If I could take it all back now, I wouldn’t
I would have did more shit that people said that I shouldn’t”


rarely. im an herbalist.