Do you Drink..

never have and never will

yes! the newest place i like to have a cold one is in the shower ha

Thats the best place, I always pregame with a beer in the shower

I still don’t understand the point of this thread…any ideas :lol:


I am suprised by how many people don’t drink.

Just a few here and there.


and the people who said no.

:tup: though i guess

I would never drink alcohol :tdown:

I would chug it though :tup:

Oh and all you non-drinkers. :tup: You guys probably saves millions of dollars already over us boozers :lol: But uh, so… what do you like…do…n stuff. :smiley:

tampa is amazing, i love it down there, that whole tampa , st petersburg, crystal beach area is just amazing.

my girlfriends sister and cousins live there and it was an awesome time when we went there this past summer.

15 beers
9 shots of crown
5 jello shots
2 shots of vodka

and i left this myspace message for Slopokes girlfreind.

OMG, i am so trelly drukc

i had a whoel 30 paces and than i put the empty boccx on mnyn head, and in yelleed “Im tehn Juggernsaut BITCHHNDS!1” and i totally tackled him to teh ground. thans challenedge the picinic table to a headbutting contest, but ik wad too hardcore, asn the tabe totally shit tehw baedc. Afte rthdsat, i opunchseed mysefed in teh head t prove how fuhggine harcxore i wesafd. truer storyunb… Whyis there ketfchupf in my hisar???

I later found out in the morning that it was NOT ketchup. But indeed my own blood.


yea word… smoking is like 5 bucks a pack… 7 days = $35 bucks a week… $1820 a year

I spend about 100-150 a week in alcohol and bar tabs… $5200 to 7800 a year…

wow i immediately hate the fact that i drink right now …looks like i should take up smoking instead…

hahahaha I’ve had nights where pregaming goes too far… and i get to the bar… and they are like… you can’t come in you are bleeding everywhere… and i don’t even know I’m bleeding

Oh fuck it I’m gonna start drinking now :frowning:

alot, prolly alot more then most

it’s the only way I get ass :tup:

oh hell yes :tspry:

beer, wine, gin, its allll good

forget beer…

liquor, liquor and more liquor!!!

xI drink!x

Sometimes you just gotta escape reality.

Pff… non-drinkers. Maybe if you did it right you’d like it. <3

i drink like i own an f-body with a rod knock

oh wait