Do you Drink..

hmm, had 3 with dinner. and 1 now. that’s a yes…?

Never have.
Never Will .
No reason to and it saves loads of cash.

Im about as bad as X if not worse…yea def. worse.:cry:

generally speaking, i think there are a lot better ways to have fun than to go out and get drunk. like i said, ive gotten quite drunk twice (once at my cousins wedding, and once when i first started college and went to a ‘real’ college party), and have never felt worse in my whole life than the mornings after. RARELY do i go more than 1 or 2 mixed drinks or 3 or 4 beers (im a pretty big guy so thats usually good enough to get a slight buzz going). i honestly cant believe that some people will go out and blow a coupple hundred bucks every weekend to get trashed. if i had that kind of money laying around, my truck would a hell of a lot faster right now. and i also honestly dont even really like the feeling when you’re drunk…i was never quite sure what enjoyment people get out of that. and whats the deal with people making a HUGE deal out of going to Canada on thier 19th bday? i kno u can drink at 19 up there, but besides that, whats so special about it? i’ve been 19 for almost a year now, and have yet to go to Canada.

i have never had a drink…

i’ve been drinking for the past 3 hours lol

alcoholic in training

anyone wanna have a monster NYspeed party… we should all get really drunk and gay it up!

isn’t that what the get drunk and fawk hockey thread is all about? hoaxing us into a giant orgy instead of watching hockey?

my house next weekend

DO IT!!!

:cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk: (nyspeed)

        :cry:                (newmans face)

sorry newman, lol.

but often times, especially in buffalo, there aren’t

never felt the need :gotme: plus i’m poor enough as it is already!


Mighty parking lot > Any bar


you missed that one already, we did that at my slip and slide party on the 4th of july :lol:

Beer > *

I understand people who don’t drink…but I don’t get people who have never had a beer

yes, but starting today i am never drinking again. :wink:

I used to drink alot then i turned 21 and it just didnt have the same fun level after that. Now when I do drink its more with good friends watchin some game or to partake in re-living our more juvenille years. But Good beers , Jacks and coke, Anyother liquor sharing is Better when you have some commrads around.

i live on johnny walker green or oban on the rocks. but at $70-80 a bottle i dont drink it to get drunk. ill drink budweiser if thats the goal.

yes i drink everyday. and for those of you that dont drink, i imagine some of you just enjoy other drugs but for the ones that are truely straight arrow i ask…what is your cure for stress? because ill be the first to admit, alcohol for me is a wonderful stress reliever, and is why i drink everyday.