Do you Drink..

no you drink everyday because you are an alcoholic

Jack and Coke for me, it goes down like water…

im only an alcoholic on saturdays and sundays. :slight_smile:

:word: not needed, but makes it easier.

Ohh yeah, like others pointed out, I’ve been know to throw back a few once in a while. :wink:


Uhm. Thought?

People are so self-medicating.

Try to start breathing normally.

And every other day that ends in “Y” im sure…

sounds like you are drinking for all the wrong reasons…

this is called alcoholism

any liquor stores open this late on a sunday? im getting bored here…

Drinking to get hammered is stupid but getting a decent buzz is always fun.

I drive to relax. And for the most part I keep drama out of my life, no drama no stress. I am one of the only people I know who can say I am never “stressed out”. I don’t let anything really get to me. But for you drinking is now way to cure stress, well at least not a safe way.

enjoying a nice chocolate covered cherry right now :slight_smile:

(Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, spoon topped with Guiness) :homerdrool:

my cure is banging my gf

Yeppers :slight_smile:

:tup: thats a damn good cure.

drinking gin as we speak. I fucking love gin. More than life.

im drinking right now.

I just planned on having a beer or two since the lady is in toronto… then i got into the concord box of wine… OUCH! I am not sure how well i will be able to function in 30 mins

If you have never had concord wine, and are like me and will only drink select bottles of very fine wine on occasion… Give it a try. It is a super sweet wine that is like grape juice and will f you up fast. no where near a bottle that i wouldn’t order when i go out, so it is def. no where near a bottle that I would lol… but it is still great shit!!

No drinking here.

I’m to alcohol as 7-Up is to caffeine: “Never had it, never will.”

if the only way you can get over stress is to drink you got some serious problems.

no. never.