meh, im not going to agree with the intake manifold as I have had my problems with it in the past. Marco, Gary and I have talked about this multiple times. I wouldn’t worry about this based on the things i have seen in the works and thats all i will say:snky:
FYI this post about the manifold was made in response to buschur getting ripped apart on EVOM by everyone, and then Marco.
Thats why its on his own forum…it’s his own personal soap box. I dont see any dyno results posted on his part either, it’s a claim.
No other forum would let his drivel stand.
Here is Dave Buschur in typical form. Yeah he goes 9s, but hes an asshat, and the rest of the Mitsu community knows this.
On top of that if you are going to “polish” a bearing you put a cross hatch on the surface, not just wipe it with a piece of emory cloth and this should be done in a clean running solvent not wiped with a lint rag (or dirty rag that he was using) where you can introduce fibers and particles to the bearings…but whatever, he’s dave buschur…lets all bow down.