Do you know a senior in assisted living, skilled nursing, or receiving home healthcar

Depends what are his dates of service… id imagine yes.

Dates of service, assets, monthly income, and monthly unreimbursed medical expenses (ie, health insurance, copays, deductibles, medicine, therapy, dental, vision, home healthcare service, assisted living,
etc etc etc)

it seems like a lot, but we’re basically going to apply multi-millionaire estate planning techniques to people who might not be in the same income/asset bracket as those who have historically used the “technology”

You can just give him my email and/or phone number , and I’ll follow up.
PM me for it.

YES if he is 100% disabled, if 99% or less, then no he doesnt qualify. (not until hes 65 years old)

thanks for the clarification! :tup:

For the veteran that lives in puerto rico… if he “qualifies” based on the above means tests… then NO it does not matter where he lives, he can still qualify for the pension. New Report.wmv

i wanted to try to save link as… so bump. :lol:

Sweet, thanks for the info! I will be passing this on to my mothers other half. He was a paratrooper in Nam. The shit he’s seen and the stories he told me…he deserves this shit lol.

Very cool of you to get the word out on something like this! My pop is a combat vet from 'Nam but he’s under the age requirement. Hope some people here can get some aid for their families though this. :tup:


looking at:

there is nothing about age to be eligible, just have to be medically and financially eligible…shitty.

BUMP. just received a phone call from somebody in buffalo… :slight_smile:

I appreciate those who are helping spread the word

Just sent this blast out on facebook… Please join our group

Please feel free to forward this to as many people as you know, id greatly appreciate it.

"Hi there,

If you are receiving this message, you probably know me personally. I am sending this to Facebook friends who I think may know a senior citizen who is either living in a nursing home, assisted living, or receiving home healthcare.

The main purpose of this message is to make you (and the senior citizen that you know) aware that they may be missing out on important funds available to them that can help cover the cost of care. This is particularly likely if they are a veteran or veteran’s widow. Anyone can get information on these funds, regardless of their financial status and I am ready to help navigate through the intricacies, confusion and red tape associated with the various benefits eligible senior citizens may qualify for.

Eligible senior citizens can receive monthly up to $1,949, tax free, from the VA. In some cases, eligible individuals may be able to also receive an additional $1,000+ from Medicaid – or even have the entire cost of care covered.

Growing old is not cheap, and most senior citizens could use all the help they can get. If you do in fact know someone in one of these situations mentioned above, please feel free to get in touch with me. I would be more than happy to discuss these benefits and how they can save you or someone you care about considerable amounts of money.

William Baxter
phone: 585-414-6398

PS. Please feel free to forward this to anybody whom you feel may benefit from these programs. Also, feel free to join the Life Care Planners Group Page for continued updates."

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

EDIT: Id like the main title to change to "Do you know a senior in assisted living, skilled nursing, or receiving home healthcare?

can a mod please help me?!?

I’ll give this to my dad, he was in the Marines during Vietnam. Plus he is always talking with other vets.

Lets do a quick case study... (this is the type of thing that I deal with on a regular basis)

Your grandmother, who is 75 is healthy as can be, she 90 lbs and shes been caring for your grandfather whos 85… his life expectancy is around 5 years, hers is closer to 10…

They have $150,000 in cash assets, and a $100,000 residence (a house if you will)

Grandpa weighs 220lbs, and other than a little dementia has been a breeze for granny to take care of, except last week he fell and broke his hip and wont walk (well; if at all) again for the rest of his life.

Granny cant lift him, so she hires help 7 days a week, 4 hours, a day (just to put him to bed and wake him up, to get him in his wheelchair)… which costs about 500 a week… or 2k a month… which pretty much eats up ALL of their monthly income. How can they afford to eat? how can they afford to pay their bills?

Well, they can spend down their assets, and when it hits an allowable rate, qualify for medicaid, VA benefits, etc etc… Or with some advice, they can qualify for all of the above right now and have an extra 1500-3000 a month to help pay for said benefits. They can use an attorney for this advice (around her attorneys charge 5,000-20,000 for an elder law case)

I would hope you would make her aware of these benefits, because god forbid that grandpa goes into a nursing home, that 150k will be burned through in a matter a year or so. And if you’re a poor planner, grandma is going to be left with nothing when grandpa dies, and then she’ll have her income cut in half when she loses his social security. (good luck paying all your bills on $1000 a month, especially if she gets sick now and she needs assistance, after all she’s been stressed to the max up until grandpas untimely death)

And for the next 10 years of her life, she’ll live below the poverty line… Not exactly a great plan if you asked me… she will most likely move in with her kids when she comes to the realization that her house is unaffordable. (Hopefully, it will have enough equity in it for her to sell it and profit some)

I see this EVERY day.