Do you shop at Wal-Mart?

I wouldn’t mind if China took over as top dog instead of the USA. They might export some more women here :slight_smile: Or import me and put me in a locked room with many of their women. Aaaaah… That’d be the life :slight_smile: I shouldn’t be talking, since I already got one, and she’ll kill me for wanting more, but I’m just a guy… and we’re greedy bastards. I saw an elevator full of azn women the other day… I wanted to pick up the entire elevator, carry it to my room and… you know… censored :smiley: I think I may love azn women more than I do cars. And I really love cars.

So yea! Go China! Whoooo!! Bad Wal Mart! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t shop at Wal-Mart because I think they are E-Ville…yes E-Ville they are so E-Ville that they go beyond regular old Evil. I also boycott Shell.

what’s wrong with shell?

What’s not wrong with them?

Google “Ken Sara Wiwa”

Shell played a very large role in killing a good man.
I decided to stop my parents from using Shell in 1995 and I continue to not use them.

only sunoco for me, ultra 94 please.

throwing down boycotts for legitimate reasons need to go on alot more.

too many people throw their money around without thinking of the consequences.

smarter consumers ultimately has to lead to more cautious companies. fortunately for the big companies most people are complete morons.

how about a name your boycott thread?

Touge Factory
Abercrombie & Fitch

there are a whole bunch of other companies that i make a concious effort to avoid but have not laid down the boycott yet.

too many to name actually.

and i can say without question that when i am making decisions for multi-million dollar companies that i will not forget these boycotts. Accountability is gonna be a bitch.

^^^ Actually ESSO is the only oil co. that is NOT researching into “alternate resource” combustion.

I have no beef with Shell, other than the obvious…lol

Another big bully company is Magna. They are like the biggest in car parts manufacturing, apparently, they have made enough different kind of parts to actually produce their own car. Their CEO is some hot girl I think. They just told one of their manufacturers that they will only pay 30% less for their products. That small company is now actually going to sue them lol. I really hope they win. Magna is like the “Wal-mart” for car parts I guess.

:bsflag: I remember you making us go to walmart to try and find those
tiny little die cast models the NEO boys had.

Belinda Stronach - CEO of Magna … Not bad for an old chick.

I boycott all gas stations except Sunoco because they don’t sell high
enough octane…

I don’t really have beef with anyone else, although there are a few small
shops around that have given me shitty service so I tell everyone they
suck and boycott them too.

Haha, well I guess being the CEO of magna and being a millionaire, that is what makes her hot. :lol:

Oh by the way, Walmart is now selling looney toons and simpsons boxer shorts for only $5. was $9.46, made in india, 100% cotton. :smiley:

Don’t even get me started with politics… please don’t even get me started. All I can say is that Canada truly has become the toilet of the world. When the world takes a shit it all comes here. Yes Canada has a few good things too, they are the air fresheners they just cover up the shity smell. The smell is still there but it’s in disguise. That’s all I can say about politics here in North america but mostly Canada.

Other than a few trendy European countries.

North America is the only society based on consumerism/Capitalism…or at least the pinicle of such in the world.

Our system like many others will be foiled…we will hit rock bottom and will be forced to rebuild…probably back into the same black hole.

:bsflag: I remember you making us go to walmart to try and find those
tiny little die cast models the NEO boys had.[/quote]LOL yeah but I didn’t buy one. :wink: It’s a very fine line.

^^^ Only because they didn’t have the one you wanted…

As to us being the toilet, and our society being driven by consumerism/capitalism…

Well, what goes up must come down. China is going to own us soon, its as
simple as that.