Do you shop at Wal-Mart?

yes this is a media post but it is something that everyone should see

Wal-Mart > K-Mart

WalMart = poverty

Wal-mart has to be one of the greatest companies out there right now. No one can touch them. I haven’t watched the videos yet but do they talk about how Wal-mart manages to sell their stuff for so cheap? What they do is…they tell companies stuff like , “We will only pay you [a ridiculously low amount] for a certain product, and if you can’t give it to us for this price, we will go somewhere else.” so pretty much, companies have no choice but to do that. That’s why their stuff is going to be even lower quality and is prolly made in sweat shops in china and so on. Although people would hate what they do, you have to admit that this strategy works for them. That is why they are number 1 in overall profit.

watch the videos dude.

there is serious back lash to that.

is there anyway to download the videos, i been trying using download acclerator… coz its so weird when i try to steam it, i’m on a fast cable connection too.

im not able to download them, Anyone care to write a summary?

hey i managed to watch the videos. yeah bascially wal-mart is the biggest company in north america right now and maybe even the world. how they get their prices so low is they do reverse auctioning or they tell the manufacturers that they will ONLY pay a certain price for the product and if they cannot give that price then they will not get any business from wal-mart. so all these poor companies are forced to make their products as cheap as possible because without wal-mart, they will go bankrupt. wal-mart already knows how much profit their manufacturers make and will sometimes only give them a 1 cent profit for their product.

So yeah, because these companies cannot compete, almost all of them if not all have opened factories in china because labour is cheap. therefore causing americans to lose jobs and so many factories get closed down. the pple in china make about 15 to 25 cents per hour. so yeah, the americans are pissed off and putting duties on the products coming from china.

Wal-Mart is awesome, they are brilliant. Although it sucks what they are
doing from a social/global standpoint, the business tactics behind it are

If I had that kind of purchasing power I’d do the exact same thing.

i wish i could tell my sr suppliers in mid east "give me engine for 25 dolla, or else i dont buy from you " dorka dorka, big jeehad!


If you bought 1000 SR20s a month from them, you probally could.
Although not for $25.

wal-mart is the biggest retailer in the world.

and ruins small communities and bussinesses.

Me: I`d rather give the small guy an extra few $$$ than purchase from Wal-Mart.

Clearly you guys have no idea what or how Wal-Mart effects our communities/society. It`s negative.

People got along just fine before we had`em.

Walmart :rl:

…not to mention their “buying power” from countries that promote child labour… just to mention 1 out of an infinite amount of UN-ethical sales strategies that Wal-Mart is praised for.

Works for investors. :smiley:

It’s going to get really bad soon. Large conglemorates, corparations and internet retail is changing the way business is run.

The small guy is being phased out, slowly but surely and ever increasingly. Why pay retail when you pay cost online?

It may suck for the small businesses, but as a consumer, I am guilty of trying to get the best deal out there.

I do my best to support local shops, but when the diffrence is exorbinant, I have no choice due to my income.

50 years from now, small private retail shops MAY be almost extinct. (if we make it that far, that is) The guilty pleasures of first world free trade and capitalism.

There will NEVER be free trade even in a million years. I find it funny whenever you hear about countries “talking” with other countries to allow free trade. And then the local companies start complaining and you start seeing tariffs on everything. They make it in a way that there’s no point in buying stuff from anywhere else if you can find it here, because the amount of tax they put on it, you’d still end up paying the same amount of more. NAFTA = bullsht. And the FTAA which will soon be in action is also bullsht. :evil:

ideally there would be an equilibrium reached where chinese workers would revolt to increase their wages to more acceptable standards.

if they increased their wages to say $8 an hour, which is still cheap, not only would it then be feasible to make products and a competitive price in the USA and Canada but it would also give Chinese workers the type of incomes that would allow them to become legitimate consumers.

imagine the power of 150,000,000 people making $8 an hour and all trying to have cooler shit than the dude in the shanty next door?

it seems to me that this would be the ideal way of boosting the world economy instead of lining the pockets of Wal-Mart.

Your right bing but countrys that have no minum wage that these big buisness flock to will never support a minimum wage, They dont care that people are starving, They dont care that there not as many consumers in the country, the big business that are bringing in the work are lining the goverments pockets so much that they dont care that people are dying and starving.

Its a shame really, because companys like wallmart will always be the dominat force in the retail market, no one else can even come close.

lol $8 an hour minimum wage is what i would expect from canada. In china, they make anywhere from 10 - 25 cents per hour. 80 cents an hour would be amazing for them. And think about the amount of labour they have. There’s no way in hell that wages for workers in any type of factory would go above a $1/hr. When you have an economy that has millions of workers that want jobs. You will take any kind of job at any kind of wage. It’s not good for all the people in Canada because China’s economy is booming like crazy now. They even want to buy the mines that we have in Canada. The ONLY thing slowing china down is their natural resources.

73% of all canadian goods are exported to the US and soon it might be only 10% as China might take over Canada as America’s biggest trading partner. Our economy would then be really f*cked.

I do agree with most people here about wal-mart and their pricing strategy, however, not everything in wal-mart is cheap.

for example when I wanted to buy my PS2, I went to Best Buy however they were out of stock, so I just walked across the street to wal-mart and bought it there instead. I paid exactly the same price as I would have at Best Buy. Couple of days later I found that EBGames had some new PS2’s in stock as well and it was exactly 200 bucks… just like in wal-mart and best buy…

Basically, the price of the PS2 was 200 bucks anywhere I looked… Certain companies (such as Sony) do keep up their quality, you just have to pay for that a bit more than usual. Wal-mart just can’t dictate prices of everything out there, espcially when it comes to big companies who set the prices for their products themselves…

It is sad though that they can bully smaller manufacturers around just cuz they are bigger…