Do you still go to movie theatres?

I go maybe 3 times a year, wifey sneaks in booze for us in her purse.

That must be what keeps them open since most of us say we go either not at all or under 5 times a year.
Nothing to me anymore is worth seeing in the theater.
I wait even longer, when it comes out on HBO or encore, LOL.

I don’t go anymore. I have every movie channel at home so I just wait until a movie I want comes on there. I do miss the popcorn though. I gotta get a real popcorn maker one day. Microwave just sucks.

For me it isn’t the cost as much as it is the atmosphere/time commitment. You’ll probably have at least 3 hours tied up going to the movies when you factor in getting ready, the drive, and fighting the crowd to get in/leave. I can watch a 2 hour movie in my underwear at my house in 2 hours. I’m not one to re-watch movies really so the $1.50 rental from Red Box that I get on my way home works just fine for me. Plus I can still cook and eat dinner and still have time to do things besides watch a single movie on a week day.

Movies are always a solid date night. Yes the prices are outrageous right now but still, $20 isnt bad price to fill 2 hours on a date. Concessions prices are the worst but I usually just sneak some mighty and booze in with me.

The AMC has $5 movies throughout the weekdays which you just cant beat. People dont ever think of there because its not stadium seating or on a main street but you get the same movies at half the price. Check that out.

As far as atmosphere, maybe im in the minority here, but I generally find the crowd enhancing the experience rather than ruining it. This is especially true for comedies when youre in a theater with only a handful of people and theres jokes that otherwise would seem funnier if you were laughing with a large group of people (laughter really is contagious). Idk, maybe ive just had good luck.

I like to go to tyler perry movies for the comedy, but the movies suck.

but more seriously, I only go for a movies I really want to see.


:tup: Same here.

I still go. Wife can usually can find some sort of discounted tickets. Sometimes we get the free screener tickets through the local newpaper too. Those are super clutch. We saw 21 Jump Street that way before it hit theatres.

We skip the drinks and popcorn unless we have a coupon for it.

I have to add that every time I leave the movie theater any slight guilt I have for ever pirating movies online is 100% gone

I frequent Hamburg and East Aurora theatres pretty often. Saw Avengers, MIB3, Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, Hugo, Safe House, Muppets, etc not a single interruption ever. I also go to actual plays, Ghost Light Theatre in Tonawanda, Aurora Players in East Aurora etc. I will never set foot in a Regal theatre as long as I live. Waist deep in human trash surrounded by primates… Never again.

I’ve been to two movies this year but only because we had some free tickets. Movies are kind of meh in my opinion, it’s not a cost thing I just don’t really care for them, if I’m gonna sit around and stare at a screen I might as well do that at home. With how good the weather is in Colorado I spend most of my free time outside being active, much more fun imo.


LOl at sneaking in booze and food, wtf is wrong with you people

Just wine. If they sold it there, no one would have to sneak it in.

But honestly, I never did this until meeting my current g/f. It’s actually nice to have wine in the movies.

i probably go once or twice a month…maybe more in the summer if there is a lot out…do the local regal for new releases and wait a couple weeks for less desirable or indy movies to show up at the cheap mall theater. my wife and i probably used to go 3 times a month in college.

as a kid we never would get anything at the concession stands…always had to sneak stuff in…so now i always get concessions…50 cents to upgrade…sure…another 50 to upgrade again…why not? there have been plenty of times where we have spent more at the movie theater than at dinner before or after…not to mention i usually show up 40 minutes early to waste money at the arcade- which my wife hates.