Do you suffer from epilepsy?

Well, do you?

omg i cant hadle that. i HATE HATE HATE strobelights

No, but I do suffer from vomit on my keyboard.

Meh i’ve seen gayer posts but this ones pretty bad.

yes. i didnt see who posted this, and i was hoping in my head it was a sleep study i could bank on. thanks for nothing howie.

Hot, I’m going to stare at it all night.

holy annoying lol nice

it just gave me a headache :lol: thanks Howie :wink: OT: thanks for the picture you sent me…made me laugh pretty hard

i watched it for quite a bit myself … lack of sleep is fun!

i have epilepsy and its not a joking matter

Hold on while I make it really dark in my room, grab my glow sticks, turn up my techno music and start dancing around like I am actually having a seizure…but i’m really not :wink:

I disagree :biglol:

That made my eyes go batty.

I do now

holy fuck…

you asshole.

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No, but after waching that I stareted jerking uncontrolably. (those lights turn me on)

trying watching that after slamming a quart of hot egg nog, left over from christmas…

OMG what just happend, what day is this