Sleep paralysis?

Anyone else get this? It’s basically when you wake up, can see, but can’t move, yell, etc. Happens to me often enough that I can recognize the symptoms and ‘enjoy’ it…

sounds creepy as fuck, holy shit!!!

I was freaked the fuck out BAD the first few times it happened.

it scared the shit outta me the first, i was like WTF is goin on!!!

I dont have this, i have learned alot about a few sleeping disorders lately though. I had a sleep study done a few weeks back.

Walt… FYI

Fat chicks sometimes can be described as having a “nice personality”.

Fat dudes often have “sleep studies” performed.

Just sayin.


Actually it is the weirdest thing ever, I get it sometimes but I mostly get night terrors to where I run out of the room. I already went to Ellis Sleep center and they are having me stay overnight on the 21st to monitor me. I have started to cause myself harm haha so Im a danger at night. I messed up my hand recently running out of the room and falling…my hand is still bruised haha

mushroom MUSHROOM

Yeppp… this use to happen to me allll the time when I was a kid. Now it just happens every now and then. Im a fuckkked up sleeper though.

I get this pretty often. My grandfather also had it. Kind of creepy when you can’t move/talk/see but are aware of alot of what is going on around you, but i’m pretty much used to it now.

Never had that but I like it when my arm or leg falls asleep.

My brother used to do weird things in his sleep in the middle of the night like run down the hall or piss on his radiator.

I roll around alot in my sleep and have to untangle myself from the sheets in the morning quite often.


That room stunk like piss for quite a while.

:rofl:rofl:rofl I wish I knew that about your brother when he was being a complete dickhead to me in school. Damnit!

Not that brother though. We’ve got another brother.

I always know when my gf is sleeping bc her body twitches… the first time i slept over i was like…


Maybe the night terrors are caused from bad dreams about the tint strip the BMW’s gonna get?

Seriously, I have them too. Ran out of my room wide-open many times. Last time it happened, I ended up in my underwear on my lawn in Maryland, at 9AM. Most of them are influenced by me waking up and seeing images that aren’t actually there (there is a name for it, forgot what it’s called)

Damn :frowning:

idk man i dont get that one??? what are u talking about?

bmw tint strip:lmao…and yesss I get the same thing, I am scared of spiders so alot of the time I think Im seeing spider webs come at me and or huge spiders falling on me…its called Hypnogogic hallucinations.