Do you think Edgar Alan Poe is over rated?

Kind of random, but stumbled upon a website dedicated to Poe. Obviously it praises him as the greatest horror writer of all time, but personally, I’ve never been a fan.

granted, he lived close to 200 years ago so it’s not like reading King. Is it because our society is desensitized to his “horror”? The ONLY one I think I ever really liked was The Pit and the Pendulum.

What do you think, Hack or Genius?

(the day is dragging)

404 Poll not found.


I think a mod has to do it. I can’t figure it out.

-karma for being able to hack an iphone but not figure out how to add a poll. :stuck_out_tongue:


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In the meantime, poll’s up.


dude was out of his mind

I don’t know if I’ve ever read his stuff, hence I have no opinion, hence you’re a n00b.

poe was a crazy dude, but def not the best imho. my favorite horror author is h.p lovecraft

:tup: good man

he’s a fggt