very sorry and i understand, im only 18 and a noobie i wanted to be part of this enivoroment, and do i know you how do you know my name… other than its my post name…
OMFG…its called common sense
lol i was joking its from billy madison :D, and i just used part of your name instead of “mr. madison”
lol oh yea in the final round… lol
ITs all good bro, we’re just busting balls. Next time just proof read ur post before u submit it and make sure ur thought were translated properly.
thanks i got too excited about it and came home and had to write it down before i forgot thanks tho dude :headbang::snky:
don’t turtle up now.
Read Fuzzy’s guide to kill stories. Next time, stop & take a breath to collect your thoughts before you post em.
A well told story can make a cavalier vs caravan encounter into a fun read.
dude thats pretty funny i did race a Plymouth voyager against a ford escort before and the van won…
good job nikuk now theres gonna be another thread posted…:hang:
no i won’t post that its a waste of time, if you kno the user 94civicex he use to own a 99 ford escort and he’s like lets race and im like ok, so we went up to some road in e town and my 1994 plymouth voyager smoked that thing badly… by like 2 car lenghts a 3.0L vs a 2.0L thats a give away…
err, :redface:
h town stompin
So, the B15 didn’t give him a run for his money.
the b15 can’t even give its self a run for its own money, lol
wow, i was on the edge of my seat that time …
lmao :lol:we gotta stop
only if whitey stops first
i am the white man keeping whitey down
:bigclap: that was a great fucking story man can u plz tell it again so i have the will power to hang myself
dude, good call
im gonna repeatedly tell this story to one of my coworkers, easiest way to get him to quit w/o having to crap in his seat in the break room