Does a certified check clear immediately?


It’s going to be a problem because i can’t meet with him at any time when a bank is going to be open.


For 30k I think I’d find the time, even if it meant burning a sick day.

Way too much check fraud going on now, especially for something you listed on eGay.

if you go with him, make him cash it, deposit the money (cash) that he gives you, it would become his responsibility to come up with the funds if the bank cashes it and determines it to be fraudulent, besides i bet he’d be rather unwilling to go to the bank and cash a check that he knows is fraudulent, just make sure he endorses it, and his license number, id, etc etc are associated with the check and not your own

My understanding is that there is a phone number on the back of all cashier’s checks. You call the number, verify the amount and know the check is legit.

And for fucks sake, take the time off.

have your bank call the bank of the cerifed check to ensure it isn’t fake, just because it’s “offical” doesn’t mean anything, we have alot of fraud on “certifed” checks these days unfortunatly…

You won’t get the lean release from the bank till it clears, so you’ll be fine till then anyway, the title is worthless without that.



My understanding is that there is a phone number on the back of all cashier’s checks. You call the number, verify the amount and know the check is legit.

And for fucks sake, take the time off.


i can make a 1-800 number that will call my buddy who can fake that… its been done

how about this…tell him to bring the cashier check…and take him to his bank or yours and tell him to cash it not you.

it doesn’t i got ripped off one time, i learned the hard way it takes a couple days

MY 0.02 cent:

Bring the guy to the bank, ask him to TRANSFER his money from HIS account to YOUR account.

Of course, this is the case if you guys have account on the same bank. If NOT, maybe you can create a FREE checking account on HIS bank and transfer it immediately in front of the teller. OR, maybe bank-to-bank transfer in HIS branch?

Since you are talking 30G, i think it’s OK to create a checking account just for this transaction.

This is probably the SAFEST way of all.

yea, when i bought my m3 i did it during bankers hours and we went right to his bank to deposit my cheks

when i sold my tib, he had his bank wire my bank the $$ and then i called my bank to verify funds, my bank told me that once they verify the wire everything is 100% legit as this cant be faked

i am thinking a 30k paypal transfer…man the fee would suck…but really take a the day off and goto his bank and make sure watch it happen…or like some one said create of checking account with his bank… maybe is a large bak that is available here and u already use them who knows…but for 30k i would take the day off and make sure its legit


wire transfer (or direct transfer) > depositing check

also, quite obvious: money in your account --> hands over key and car to seller
no money in your account --> keep title, key, car in your house

Fuck checks.

Be baller and go straight cash

No way to be sure that a piece of paper is legit unless you can have a bank verify it immediately.

i think we are doing it via wire xfer.

just dont give him your bank account number. have your bank set it up with his.

Just trust the guy. If anything get his throw away cell phone number.

Newman, I just went through this.

Your bank can do two things. Call the bank where the money came from, verify the account number and the routing number to know where the money is actually being transfered from.

Or do a wire transfer.

When I bought the M the guys bank wouldn’t cash then cuz my bank was out of state. So they mailed the check back to the guy and setup a wire transfer. It pissed me off cuz his bank was a bunch of fucking retards cuz even after my bank verified the account number, routing numbers, and the amount. They still thought it was a fake bank, even though they have a legit website, etc. I understand those all can be fraudulent but when google/yahoo business directory says otherwise, I wouldn’t pass it up.

Do a wire transfer and be safe about it, chances are his bank will do it for free for him, mine did.

Oh yeah also make sure it is made out to you, or cash if you do the route of the certified check.

30k all in singles wrapped in 1 20 dollar bill