Does anyone know anything about this car?

Quik…that makes sense to you huh??? know you have moved to 1 car > to another car just to move to who modded cars earlier. Why does that matter?? WHO CARES…honestly if you ask me I would love to have an old 67 Camaro with a 502 in it…maybe one day I will… but who cares if an old 67 is on my list or a 97 honda civic. If you like cars you like cars!!! PERIOD

BTW it doesn’t matter when a person was modifing there car in what year and which mag. they were in. IT HAPPENED. I’m sure I could find an article, searchin is all it takes…but in an article with a guy that has a newer age honda tuned says hes been doin it since the 80’s and tell about one of the first he had…thats enough for me. Back then I don’t think that the car magazine editors had a high number of Honda tuners to focus on.

the truck you’re talking about:
295 hp 335 lb/ft
4400 lbs
14something slip

civic Si
197hp 139 lb/ft
low 15 slip

that doesn’t seem strange to me looking @ the numbers.
its 1500 lbs lighter but has 100 less hp & 200 less lb/ft tq.

you said they been modding those cars for 15 yrs, i asked for proof and now you didnt come thru with it

but youll be happy to know im out of here time to go get cut open [hopefully not]

yea alot embarrasing when something that much heavier just destroyed ya…

I’m not sure what you were meaning here??? If your talkin about Tom’s car…its a built 1.8…I have a stock 2.2l motor yeah thats my there close???Is that what your refering too…in regards to dropping in a larger motor into a car that originally had a smaller one isn’t that the point that even goes for domestic gearheads???

that sucks… the whole reason i built my car was to impress you1!!!


what?..its got tons more power what do you expect…200 MORE LB/FT of tq.
& 1 sec is not getting “destroyed”

i personlly wouldn’t spend 20k on a new si…but i wouldn’t buy a 4400lb truck for 30k either.

budget performance is where its @

No thats what you said and yes there where people doing it. DOMESTICS didn’t rule the world quik stop being ignorant to the fact…there’s more out there than you know. Majority takes over…and 15yrs ago is a time I could refer to when import tuning began…thats an estimation but I know a close one.

Since I’m not up on GM trucks, isn’t the price on that 2006 truck $5,000+ more than the civic SI he was comparing it to just a few posts after saying how $20,000 was a ripoff? And that extra loot doesn’t buy a nicer interior which seems to be a huge concern.

So this is how this thread has gone so far

1st) asking if anyone knew anything about a specific Chevy Beretta
2nd) then it went to how overpriced the beretta was
3rd) argument over what was better, civic vs beretta
4th) argument over reliability between civic and beretta
5th) argument over which is worth more money, civic vs beretta
6th) which has better interior 95 civic vs 95 beretta
7th) argument over which is faster, heavy domestic v8 vs smaller 4 cyl import
8th) argument over what is considered “heavily modified”
9th) argument over when “import tuning” began
10) argument over newer civic interior for price ratio
11th) horsepower to weight comparison between trucks and import cars

Oh, and there may have been an argument in there regarding gas mileage as well…

Sheesh…this thread went off the wall…so I am going to guess that no one has any information about that orange beretta on the first page in the first post…:sadwavey: :dunno:

LOL, gotta love this place, it never gets dull

I gave you what I know about it, I’ve heard that there is some rust on the car that is not visible from the look (door jambs, underneath)… If he wants to have someone help him look at it I’ll be happy to look it over, just PM me or whatever.


Hey you got a page or two worth of specifically bashing the beretta which was sort of along the lines of what you were looking for, sort of. That’s pretty good for off-topic. Just imagine the mess that could ensue by pulling up in a parking lot hangout in that car.

This thread happened to make the day go by wayyyyy faster THANKS QUIK for being the “know it all” that you are.:greddy:

though it didn’t really make my day go faster, it definitely amused me a good bit today

now insert when quik got involved and you’ll see when it all went down hill(again)

fuck, you all have way too much time on your hands.

and quik’s a fag.

This was truly an entertaining thread. That Beretta looks like a turd and probably rides like one as well.

Is it me or does mostly everyone on this thread care only about how quickly their ride can get from point A to point B when a stright line is involved. What happens when you have to brake or turn?

why do you have such a problem against berettas? That car is really cool if your into the matchbox cars and all

now only if you make more power then the smaller one…in the end its not worth it for me to do one of the rides you guys own