does anyone know the name of this used car place?

its on babcock blvd right where it meets evergreen rd (according to google earth) where you turn left to go towards millvale, its on the left hand side if you were to go straight onto evergreen instead of turning to stay on babcock

anyone know the name of that place, or a number, or any info at all? every time i drive by they look like they are closed, but they might have something i want

The place with a lot of junkers on the corner across from the sandwich shop/laundromat?

Over the last seven years, I don’t think I have ever seen a person on the lot let alone working… most of the cars have been there just as long… I’d be curious to hear what the story is there.

Is it next to the Sunoco almost across from Rita’s ?

yeah, this place:,+PA+15229&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.421237,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=40.506062,-79.989958&spn=0.002859,0.004828&t=h&z=18

same here, i do occasionally see that a car has been moved though

I just thought that was a service station


Ya that is a service station not a car lot . not that my man prob. wouldn’t sell some stuff

hm, thanks, so does anyone know what its called at all?

a shitty abandoned used car lot?

its a used car lot, they got a lime green blazer, & an infinity suv amound many othes there. at the base of the hill of millvale mines?? diagnol from ritas? I live a few mins from there I drive by virtually daily. I’ve never seen anybody there. I’ve heard stories about that place but idk if they’re true

Rode by today and it looks like they cleaned up a bit . They didn’t have a name on the building anywhere that I could see .

lol, the butthole of millvale?

No seriously though, I bet you really want that blue eclipse w the sweet body kit thats been sitting here for xx years. Stop in and check it out. Theres always some dudes walking around. Theyd have to be willing to sell you one of those cars, even if it isn’t theirs.


yeah, i drove passed the other day and didnt see anyone there, nor a name

i dont remember seeing a blue eclipse there, but im after that camaro they have sitting there

There was one there forever, just drove passed yesterday and its gone. Actually, his lot looks cleaned up to my surprise. Maybe he’s movin up in the world. Still worth a look.

Chad says that place is open right now.

you have a name for the place your looking for? i think theres a wholesaler about 2 buildings before that old gas station. i see bunch of cars there all the time

Its the old Raida’s junkyard. Its called Joe’s Service from what his customers say. I’ve dropped a few cars there in the past, but not recently.