Does anyone ride anymore?

I haven’t seen any threads about riding as of late or get together’s.:’(

I ride almost everyday still!

Err day brah. I rode today. That’s right. Today. In the rain. All day

took a nice 3 day trip up through the adirondacks a few weeks ago with friends. Did a high peaks loop one day, and the sacandaga loop another.

great time

we never have the threads going. “hey I’m going here who’s in”
I squeeze in rides in between track days. I really wish I did more. :frowning:

What is High Peaks?

I was riding … then blew out my fork seals. :shifty

Currently in the process of getting a 2nd job because I have no money to do anything, including fix my bike.:banghead

high peaks are Adirondack mountains over 4k feet. a bunch of them are up near lake placid which is where that days loop took us through

That explains why you’ve been MIA, that seriously sucks! I thought you had the fork seals fixed months ago?

No room for error there!

I might whip out my bike to pickup GTA:5 Tuesday after work. Then prep the bike for a NESBA track day sat fingers crossed it doesn’t rain.

Rode all day today. Memorial Ride for a friend who died in a motorcycle accident a few years ago

I rode on saturday to the UAlbany game and FROZE MY ASS OFF. I’m not made for this weather :lol. I prefer 90-100 over 60 (Florida weather).

Anyway, it was so cold that I pulled over at X-Gates and got a cold weather underarmour shirt from Dick’s. Worked quite well.

I don’t ride in the mornings anymore (to work) but I do typically go home to get it before I go to school and ride in the afternoons/evenings (night school 4 nights a week). Rode in the rain a few days ago.

I’ve barely ridden this year, maybe 1000miles so far. it’s a shame. Days where I normally would have taken a bike ride this summer I would take the boat out instead. Hopefully get some miles in before winter storage.

I have probably 200 miles on the season… I’m done for the year now. No time

When do you guys normally start storing for the winter? October? I know there will be a cold week or two where I won’t ride but it seems like we always get surprised in October with a nice day or two.

I could probably Google this, but what do you guys do for prep-for-storing? So far, I think I’ll put in some fuel stabilizer (on a full tank?) and put the bike on both stands and cover it.

I always store in November, they always seems to be some nice days in November where it warms up and usually around thanksgiving is when I wash all my stuff and put it away with battery maintainers and throw the covers over. I just try to beat the salt trucks mainly

Didn’t think of the battery. Thanks.

yeah, they are about 2o-25 bucks, I use the battery tender jr. most brand new bikes come with a plug pre-wired so take a look for one on your bike but if you don’t have one it only takes 5 minutes to hook it up

buurrr im putting mine away asap wayyy tooo cold for me, i was going to ride mine in today but thats a no go… and it will give me a chance to install the new race tech springs in my forks and what not

Threw my jacket on and rode today!

I put the bike away when it hits the 40’s outside my perf suit is useless below that.

HOLY ****. Took the bike to class tonight and regretted it. Just got home. I’ve never been so cold in my life. I think this is it for me too. I’ll keep it ‘road ready’ just in case it hits the 70’s again in one of those weird fall days…but otherwise, I think that’s all she wrote. Had fun my first season…3,600 miles in basically just over 2 months.