Dog Lovers, I have some questions (Rott, Doberman, Boxer, etc)

not quite. i knew it was a joke but just want to call boardjnky a fggt jokingly :slight_smile:

My sister got a boston terrier and called him bruiser. Seems fitting towards boxers as well.

EDIT: Guess I should add the mandatory “<3 u” next time as well

haha, reading sarcasm just doesn’t work.

Ha! See really the joke is on you fggt <3 u

But really that dashund was a meanie. Parents got 2 min pins afterwords and although they bark at everything, have been awesome dogs to have.

Yeah dachsunds suck. Massive napoleon complexes. I don’t blame them. I would too if some asshole breeder made me look like a barking salami with feet.

Guys, it’s not cool to sterotype dog breeds like that. They are sweet dogs!!!


Stereotypes save time.

The one dog that has ever had an issue with my dog is a Daschund. Do you know how funny it is to see a little weiner dog try to bite the face off a pit bull? It’s hilarious. She just sat there with her head tilted, looking thoroughly confused.

Geez this is more addicting than guns!


He’s not mine, but I found him 24 hours after getting the boxer, I couldnt leave him at the shelter, as he was an unclaimed stray… he’s about 3 years old, and my dad took him in as a companion to his german shepherd.


Herbie is handsome! Did you adopt him too?

Picked him up this AM!


Good looking dog man. How much does he weigh??

Here is Samson… He’s one crazy dog. Old pic.
