Dog Lovers ITT

This Sunday March 4th from 11am-1pm there will be a meet & greet held by Help Orphan Puppies and I will be there helping out with our foster puppy Penny (white dog in the pic below) if you are interested in adopting a dog or know anyone that is please give them a heads up about the event. You will not be able to adopt directly from the event, you must fill out an application and then if your application is good, a house visit follows to make sure it is suitable for a dog. Its a great program to give these puppies a good home. Its a very tight budget organization that travels all over to shelters that are closing to save these dogs from being euthanized.

Pet Spas of America
637 Loudon Rd (Rte 9)
Latham, NY

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Any website for this organization??? My wife wants to adopt rather than get a pure bred like I do, but we aren’t ready for a dog yet because my daughter is still a little too young. but I am in the process of creating a new/better site for them.

Awesome, Thanks!

Best of luck to ya. I was kind of upset with them when i was looking for a dog. They wouldnt adopt to us because we didnt have a yard… Really? Told them the dog would be leash walked everyday and what not they wanted no part of it.

Yeah thats a big thing with them, they want the dog to have some outdoor freedom I guess! Sorry to hear it didnt work out for ya!

Its all good. In the end we got a dog just not from them. Not trying to knock them or anything just was upsetting i guess. Oh well.

someone willing to adopt them and care for the dog and they say no. it kills me to hear them complain how they have x amount of dogs that need adopted this n that n then they do something like that^.

i was going to adopt through an organization and ended up finding a better way to adopt my last pup. no bs and hoops to go through.

to the OP: good luck with the event, that white pup is a good looking dog.

This couldn’t be more true I had a similar issue as Sketchy did. I have a yard but its small and i have to use a tie out. They wanted nothing to do with it as there is large equipment nearby. I now have two completely spoiled beagles that have had zero living issues here. Sometimes those places are counter productive. They don’t look at it as will the dog be safe, loved and cared for. They go above and beyond to nitpick on stuff that really has little impact. To each there own.

right. i understand a yard is more than useful for dogs and puppies. but this is the real world, not fary tale land. not everyone has a 150x50 fenced back yard. if it seams to be a good home who cares that hell be leash walked all the time? highly agree with you.

this was the case when i was trying to adopt. i finally got anoyed and said fuck that. ended up finding my latest pup on craigslist. family couldnt keep him and all they wanted was for him to go to a good home. they didnt run my credit, or check employment, or do a drug test, or check my house, or measure my lawn. they met with me and my other dog and that was that. in the truck he went and hes been great ever since.

im not knocking these organizations because what they do is needed and i do understand they have to do some things to prevent people who will neglect the dogs adopt them, but not letting someone adopt them because of lawn size is assnine.

i have a small unfenced yard on a busy road. even if it was fenced i wouldnt let them out without me out with them anyways. that doesnt mean they are neglected or not cared for.

I have a fairly big yard (for a residential area house) and I was attempting to adopt a Weimaraner before I got Forza, and they said no because our yard was not fenced in. Meanwhile, I’ve taken our dogs out on a leash to our back yard or on walks every time they needed to go out because I still don’t have a fence.

I totally understand that adoption agencies want their dogs to go to the best possible owners, but some of their silly policies get in the way of dogs finding good homes. Barely any houses in my neighborhood have fences and there are TONS of dog owners, people are constantly walking dogs. The ONLY dogs I’ve seen go loose are the cocksuckers living behind me (from the ding-dong-ditch story) when their annoying little Chihuahuas get out from under their fence because whoever installed it sucks a t life.

Have they not ever heard of an invisible fence?

And this is why I barely post on Shift anymore…I make a simple thread about a good cause and everyone turns it into a complaint thread.

Good looks man… I hate seeing good dogs in dog pounds.

Many of us said good luck and aknowledged your good doing. It wasn’t a complaint thread just stating the obvious that sometimes these adoption agencys don’t just want a loving caring home for the dogs. Everything has to be all honkey dory and perfect. Not our problem more people have had negative encounters with the agencys than positive. I think the common denominator is the agencys not shift. Sorry they are Nazi’s about who can adopt the dogs.

Excuse me for not having a fence around my backyard. I know that makes me a terrible dog owner. Such a terrible dog abuser I am.

No complaints here either man! Good luck with this. If I could adopt another dog I would, my wife would hang me though!!

Hell if even one dog is placed in a home through them then I give them RLPR. There’s always other adoption companies out there if you aren’t pleased with a different one. The adoption company we used wasn’t too keen On the fact that we lived in an apartment. But when we walked them out back to the park and showed them the dozen or so fenced in baseball fields they were cool with it. Ive found it really depends on the agency and their ability to foster the dogs before they are adopted is what usually relates to how strict their adoption requirements are.