dogs with catarax [sp]

has anyone had a dog that has had catarax[sp] if you did what did you do for the dog. my akita of 14 or so years has clouds of his eyes. and doesnt really know where to look and etc. hes usually chillin in the dog house lately. i noticed it today when i left. i thought something was up the other day when he acted funny when i went to pet him. i now have to speak to him and let him get a scent of me before he recognizes me.

if anyone did anything how much was it and is it worth it? or is it better off letting nature takes its course besides that he seems very healthy

umm… i know for sure that you can have them removed through surgery(sp?) but i think its very expensive… upwards of $1000 if i can remember what i’ve heard… other than that, i dont know if there is much you can do… my g/f’s dog has one of his eyes that is really really really cloudy, and our old golden retriever had cataracts before he died (at age 16) too… However, i find it awkward that its happened all of a sudden… usually when i’ve seen it happen, its been over years, with it progressively getting worse…

good luck, but at his/her age, i’d say just let nature do its thing… They learn to use thier other senses… our Golden gotten increasingly worse eye-sight ove the last 3 years of his life, but learned to use his other senses and did just fine…

probably will live for 2+ more years so - $1000 surgery = $50/month. Not bad if the dog is in good health otherwise. Take a trip to the vet and se what they suggest.

if i feed the dog some mary jane will that help lol, jk

but thanks for the suggestions, i knew the price was high but old man doesnt think it would be that much

Goerge…if u actually ask the vet or someone hwo knows pets(dogs) u would find out that some dry dog foods as well as wet can casue cateracks at any time in there life all of a sudden,i would check into somethin like that first,he might also just be sick. Google is ur best friend here but next is the vet,i have known alot of dogs in my dyas and know alot of symptoms about them and so on,so yes…it could be just the food ua re giving him man.Pm me or call me if u need more info or have any questions,hopefully i can help man!

My mom’s black lab went blind from cataracts in both eyes, due to diabetes. They can be removed with surgery, but I think it is around $2000. Check with your vet.

just get one eye done…thats all it needs :wink: