dollar drinks > me
saw some crazy shit thou, some black girl beating the fuck outta some guy, some girl puking on herself and some guy doing a straight header into the sidewalk and bustin his head open.
dollar drinks > me
saw some crazy shit thou, some black girl beating the fuck outta some guy, some girl puking on herself and some guy doing a straight header into the sidewalk and bustin his head open.
Was this last night, or are you gettin’ an early start?
if u r downtown at the bars, u will almost definatley see crazy shit…its a sure shot
last night at margarita mama’s. i think pitt’s basketball team was there too.
Downtown at the bars? I didn’t think anyone went downtown to hang out…there’s what, 2 places down there? Market Square is okay in the summer I guess…
Southside is where I usually go.
another reason bars > clubs
“girls were scantily clad and showing body” clubs>bars
well u know what i mean… anything on the otherside of the tunnels i refer to as ‘downtown’…including southside
DUDE… there is totally like .1 miles between southside and downtown… DUHHHHHHHHHH
so thats why it was so fucking packed down there at 11:30
I left work and hit the strip looking to see if anyone was down at sports rock for bike night and it was dead. So I headed over to station square and it was dead except for MM. there was a fucking line out side and the deck looked like it was packed…
well $1 drinks a MM and 50cent drinks at Matrix. there were a few random pirates players there but the girls were too busy hangin on chevy troutmans nuts to notice or care.
haha :doh:
Theres .1 mile between Shadyside and East Liberty, Lawrenceville and Millvale, and Homewood and Squirrel Hill also.
“My bad”.
Next time someone asks me where Smokin’ Joes is, I’ll tell em it’s Downtown.
haha… don’t get all shitty over it… we all know mustangs take a while to get places and it seems longer than it really is
hahahaa :spank:
Totally not fair. I have no idea what you drive so I can’t so anything back.
a treehugging vw
Ah a VW…enough said.
404… just make sure your bottle is full if you ever run into me
What’s your best ET?