Ok, so I’ve heard about this on the radio and stumbled on their funny videos today. Sounds like good stuff, however I don’t shave nearly as much as I could so I don’t wear out blades as quick.

The peppermint butt wipes sound (smell) like a deal @ $4/mo… Dick wipe crew?

Baby wipes clog up my sewer and make shit flow into the sump pump. I assume this would be the same?

:heavy_check_mark: Buttwipes made for men
:heavy_check_mark: 40 durable 5"x7" sheets, S&H Incl.
:heavy_check_mark: Flushable & biodegradable viscose rayon

:heavy_check_mark: Soothing, calming, and refreshing
:heavy_check_mark: Gentle peppermint scent

I love their advertising and I like that Mike guy…I listened to him interviewed on the radio a few weeks back and thought it was interesting.

However, I dont know that I would sign up for this service but a buck a month has me curious.

Who shaves?

Beards or bust.

I don’t have the link I’m on my phone but you can buy directly from their source for less money

Not so sure I’d want to walk around with a peppermint smelling ass. Would you walk around in public, catch a whiff of some guy in a crowd, and have to give that little nod like “Peppermint ass wipes. You too huh?”




I would be interested in this if I shaved on a regular basis!

I have the 9 dollar a month plan, i do the every other month because i really dont shave often. Blades are nice, dont seem to wear out to fast. Works almost as good as the expensive gillet one. Not a bad value and you dont run out of blades. I also tried the 6 dollar ones too by accident, they are not bad either. I would recommend it if you hate buying expensive blades. Those new wipes seem interesting lol.

i have the one below the 9$ plan. i think it’s 6 per month? i have like 40blades stashed up because i don’t really shave but it was cheaper than going to the drugstore lol.
however i recently closed my bank account so i don’t think they will be sending me anymore. hopefully they don’t keep sending me them and put me into collections or something retarded :lol: