Dominick Zetena II

worked at Denooyer chevy and was a great guy. i guess he died thrus or friday due to a diabetic attack or somthing. not sure. all i know is i just saw him and talked to him 2 weeks ago. :frowning:

no way. he was the finance guy for the GTO. he was talking about the sweet insulin pump he had.

just told my dad, said he was just talking with him last week. sucks.

yea man im kinda bummed out about this.

he gave me this pretty dope black and white photo he was taking out of his office, framed, its of some bridge in Paris

i think i want to send some flowers over to denooyer, anyone with me?

i am is be poor… ill pay you back!

no need for monies from joo. joo my *****

should i send something to denooyer? or see if i can find out his address. im not sure if the wake happened or not.

info might be on the legacy site, or in the obituary in the paper…

Very sad, RIP.