Donation for pinks mishap

well to make a long story short. we had a mishap before the taping of pinks. one of are nitrous bottles expoded and hit another car.

I decided to take on the responsability since i didn’t want a shop or bussiness to take on. for legal reasoning. also these shops put in to many countless hrs getting the car together to race.

the guy got the truck fixed and it cost him $717.xx. he said he would stick to his word and i still pay him 500.00.

well if anyone from pittspeed wants to donate. maybe we can set this up.

also if you don’t trust me you can have a person set up a paypal act.

if not i will pay out of my pocket and this would be one of my donations to the pinks project

also if the mods and or admins think its all right can i get a sticky

please do not whore this thread…if you want to make a thread about what happened do so else where

Eric Haas

im in for a few bucks, get the pay pal hooked up and ill toss it over to ya

I will let the board and admin make that decision

what about them sabatogizing the trailer which could of been bad?

“please do not whore this thread…if you want to make a thread about what happened do so else where”

its not whoring. our trailer was sabotaged and caused issues and could of been fatal… you dont know whole story so KTYS

true about trailer though, i will try to kick in a few bucks for ya

we have no way of prooving it was them or the team that lost

set up the pay pal ill kick in a few

I will too, just let me know the paypal address

looks like all we need is a pay pal account to throw this all towards…

Just set up a persoanl account and have whitey monitor it if people think u are taking advantage of it,i know u are trustworthy. ANd if u get more than 500 then donate it to some cause

you should throw a little bbq fundraiser type thingy doey. that could raise a good bit of money. or just have a big meet and ask everyone to pitch in a couple bucks.

was this paid for :dunno: if not some of the money from the town tavern fundraiser should be used to pay for the truck that was hit by the Nitrous bottle.

last time I talked to eric… it was taken care of

cool and how much money was raised on wednesday?


swwet chunk of change
