Donations needed

My boy needs some donations… So lets help him out…



bahahahahaah thats good

omg if i saw a homeless guy with that sign id totally give him $1. its so much better than the guy around here who ‘‘needs money to catch a bus to rochester to see his mom who is dying in the hospital’’ then used that line on me for 3 straight weekends.

The pic was taken in NYC… :rofl:

Another good one I saw as a young punk kid up in Tronto holding one that read “A dollar short from taking over the world”

No camera that time though…

A few weeks ago I saw two dirty hippies and their dog holding a sign that said “Traveling- Need money for gas and food”

It seems to me that if you dont have money for gas and food maybe you shouldve stayed home.

i woulda given the kids $200 for their dog.

i mean, if he can hold up a sign…what else can he do???