Must be a full moon.

So I live in West Seneca. Dollar general put up a new store on william near union. The girlfriend wanted to stop there to pickup a couple greeting cards. Whatever, I told her I would wait in the truck.

So I’m watching this homeless looking guy walking around the plaza with what looks to be a brake pad in his hand. He’s hassling customers, telling them how his car broke down, and he needs a ride to such and such an intersection.

So he starts getting really insistant that people give him a ride, and quite a few guys are uncomfortable.

I get out of the truck, and go in the store to walk out with my girlfriend so that this guy doesn’t bother her.

So we’re walking out with a couple bags of stuff, turns out she wanted more than a greeting card or whatever.

I happen to catch a police officer ducking this guys head into the back of the squad car.

I didn’t see the scene but how stupid can people be?

on william near union? i live literally there…about an hour or an hour and a half ago, i ran past the william/union intersection and then down william toward the 90…where the hell is this new store you speak of?

about half a mile west of the corner of union and william. Next to some ghetto looking apartments.

where on earth are you going to find ghetto apartments on william?

Something similar happend to me @ the wegmans on mckinley. Out of no where a hispanic/ black looking lady and her “friend” wearing like all blue pants and coats and hats that were dirty, first they said they needed a ride cause there car broke down and they were cold, then the lady said that she was a diabetic.They looked like they just walked out of an alley way.The lady kept insisting she wasnt lying and kept begging me i made up an excause grabbed my girlfriends arm and walked back into wegs and told the manager.First it was just the lady then the guy popped up from inbetween a car and then they like surrounded me and my girl.On the way back in the store they started to follow me and then they stopped.

I remember when me and mindless almost got jumped at the autozone or w/e it is on union next to mcdonalds and across from KFC…

This dude came out from behind the dumpster and walked towards us so we hopped in the rides, another dude popped out from behind the store and surrounded bills car… The one dude was trying to get his door open and was pounding on his roof…

Freaky shit.

haha suburbs

go walk around allentown if you want to see bums

Haha about a week ago my gf stopped at the dollar store on south elmwood and said as soon as she came out this dirty guy asked her for 5 dollars for the bus.

I was pissed and was like tell me you didn’t give him any money.

She was like no I argued with him that the bus didn’t cost 5 dollars, so he said 2 dollars and I said no that it wasn’t 2 dollars, so I gave him 50 cents and he didn’t even take it…

I suppose 50 cents or having to kill a dirty homeless guy for attacking my gf is well worth it.

I thought it was funny though cuz you know damn well he was just gonna buy booze.