Don't drive alone.

Actual US propaganda poster.


off topic… not gen auto. ya silly goose

p.s. this is why I asked you for your email this morning jim.

Perhaps this is how they came up with “riding dirty” originally?

I don’t get it. Where is it from? Greenpeace?

hey it’s generally about autos. it’s from the united states in 1944

Wow that brings back some memories :snky:

Don’t ride naked either…trust me on this one.

This is why I drive alone…who is gonna fuck with Hitler?

I drink alone

Oh, he didn’t say it was that old. I ass-u-me d it was current.

With nobody else?

You know when I drink alone

because everyone dresses like that, and drives those cars, and hitler is the talk of the town right now with all of the dictators part of toletarian governments starting war over land :roflpicard: FACISM IS AMONGST US!!

I prefer to be by myself
