Dont mess with me at a bar

Holy crapple sticks

i love logging in and signing up al;sdfjkl;sdfjkdsjdfj

Its free…quit whining

wow he shook that kid like a british nanny

that was a killer head butt

idk if he head butted him… or shook him and threw him back into the bar banking his head off the table… either way he’s out cold

^ yeah, it almost looks like he shook him… but the rate at which he fell, somehting had to hit him… i watched that part like 20 times trying to se if there was contact

what a loser. i can do that to drunk guys all day, including the sprint out of the bar leaving the girl behind


yeas man… i would have taken down the bouncers (or at least tried to) for that girl… holy shit she has a smoking body

hahahahahahaha he just fucking bounced…musta been more dudes in the parking lot that needed headbutting :wink:

:lol: that was hilarious

That was AWESOME

Man he made sure he got out of there after the second knock out.

yea lol @ him runnin outta there

that dude had serious technique…

the two victims are outtie 5k for sure.

Its funny cause pretty much everyone else in the bar was like WTF?

yea man… he ran faster than when you ran out of marcellas when you realized you were gay

Damn, he must play soccer.

But why is it flagged NWS by youtube?

ummmm, its a guy knocking out 2 dudes in a bar, why wouldnt it be flagged? little ass kids use the internet too…