dont think you get pulled over enough? Here's a solution

This is from UB’s website

The “Watch Your Car” Auto Theft Prevention Program of New York State offers two methods that will aid in deterring the theft of a vehicle. The first method is a voluntary vehicle registration program where the owners sign a document stating that their vehicles are not normally used between the hours of 1 am and 5 am and allow for a stop if the vehicle is seen being operated between those hours. Decals are affixed to the front and rear windows identifying the vehicle as participating in the program. If law enforcement officers observe the vehicle being driven anywhere in the U.S. during these hours, they may stop the vehicle and verify ownership. An owner also grant additional authority, at the time of registration in the program to have the vehicle stopped any time it is being driven across the border into Mexico or Canada or it is observed within the general proximity of an international port.

Who would seriously be that stupid to sign up for that?

Where do I sign up?

:lol: So let me get this straight, if you don’t normally operate your vehicle between 1 and 5 AM, any time that you do it will probably be in an emergency situation. So you can sign up for this program that will ensure that any time you operate your vehicle in an eme

Aw fuck it. That program’s existence is a waste of money.

I think it’s a great program, if you’re not out that time of night. I’m not out much that late, but enough that I wouldn’t sign up. I could see my mom or grand parents doing it though.

If your emergency is so time critical that the couple minutes it would take to show a cop your ID and move on you probably should be in an ambulance, not your personal car.

Perfect way to have cops spending their time. I mean, what better do they have to do?

anybody who is aware of this program would just carry a black vinyl sticker to place over program sticker before stealing it.


:lol: So let me get this straight, if you don’t normally operate your vehicle between 1 and 5 AM, any time that you do it will probably be in an emergency situation. So you can sign up for this program that will ensure that any time you operate your vehicle in an eme

Aw fuck it. That program’s existence is a waste of money.


:rofl: Hammer, meet nail.


Sweet, I am going to get those stickers, put them over my 5% windows, get wasted, and do burnouts all over Amherst saturday night!

Know an asshole who constantly drinks and drives? Sign him up and slap the stickers on when he’s not looking.

can i get a bunch of them and put them on random cars…


Know an asshole who constantly drinks and drives? Sign him up and slap the stickers on when he’s not looking.


:biglol: The ultimate prank on “that guy.” That would be awesome!


can i get a bunch of them and put them on random cars…


haha omg that would be awful.


haha omg that would be awful.


and the dwi thing… best idea ever… most asshole idea ever… but still…


I think it’s a great program


are we reading the same thread

Razor blade + 3 seconds per window = OMG wii stop3d teh thevies!!!1

Even funnier is you probably have to pay for the stickers…