Door ding rant!!

Just need to rant for a second because some asshole already gave me a little door ding in the driver’s side rear quarter on my S! I don’t even have 5k miles on it yet and already there is just a very slight ding and little little chip but that pisses me off so bad! I always part it away from everything because of this except at work were its just not possible! :rant:

No one has any respect for other people’s stuff!

get used to it…i just got all my little dings fixed

park farther away…

People are either inconsiderate or oblivious to what they’re doing when they open their doors.

Door dings piss me off too. I’ve been trying to come up with some sort of door protector you could put on your car that 1) couldn’t easily be stolen, and 2) wouldn’t blow around in the wind rubbing the paint.

Now, if all cars had lambo doors and/or sliding minivan doors, we wouldn’t have this problem. :wink:

Oh, and check out what this nutjob did to some pregnant chick’s car. Pretty bad, but the sick side of me finds it very funny at the same time…

Does that thing really work? I’ve been thinking about that, but I don’t want to waste money on a product that doesn’t work!

I normally call Dr. Ding every once in a while to get my dents out. Last time I went to a dealership for paintless dent removal and they did a piss poor job.

Yeah, I hate it when that happens. My wife’s 2005 Element has two door dings already. One on the back passanger door that made a small dent that is actually hardly noticeable and the other I just noticed today is on the passanger side front door and is just a white mark that I can buff out. But it still pisses us off. It all of those fatasses who can’t get out of their cars without flinging the door all the way open. The worst part is, we park at the farthest possible end of the parking lot no matter where we go, not matter what the weather. I even look to see where there are end spots so that I can straddle the line a little bit and look for cart returns and make sure that there is something between my car and the return to protect from runaway carts. We even walk around the car before getting in to make sure that no damage happened while it was parked. So far no dings on my 07 Mazda3 (3.5K miles and counting). Hopefully I won’t get any cause I already took the door trim off of the sides for a cleaner look and it makes the car more suseptable to dings.

f-b-a had someone he knows use something like this…i really think it wouldn’t work

Aw…the show queen has fallen…


I hate when that happens. My A4 used to get smacked all the time at work. Luckily it buffed right out!

Some faggot at work parked next to the Charger and his kid whacked it when she got in. It’s the only mark on it and yeah it pissed me off too.

Most people are oblivious, inconsiderate f*cking slobs…can’t have anything nice, I tell ya.

Tell us how you really feel


This is why I love DD’ing a race car. If someone dings a door in the parking garage…I’ll take it into a fucking wall Tokyo Drift style for good measure.

that sucks


I hate door dings too. The one lady that lives in our apartment building. (The ION that earlier this year pissed me off) Opened her door into a kids mercedes right in front of me, and I have a couple dings on my doors that I’m sure was her. Shes a bitch and when I catch her hitting MY car with her door she is going to learn how to run really fast. :slight_smile:

I’ve learned to accept door dings, but the other day I was at Block Buster and parked at the end of the lot like I usually do. When I came back out maybe 5 minutes later, there was a Buick parked so close that it was impossible for me to get in my car.

I wanted to stand there and repetedly slam my door into their car. Instead, I crawled in through the passenger side and drove away. To give you an idea how close they were, I’m 5’ 6" and 140 lbs and couldn’t sweeze my skinny ass in.

i’m sure you know of some sort of super secret government polymer that can fix it.

Does anyone know the prices for paintless dent removal anywhere local? Rear quarters of my Z28 are horrible. No scratches so I have no clue where they came from. Heard the 4th gen’s did this from launching hard but that’s after being built quite a bit. Don’t think mine could do that yet.

Some asstard backed into my Jeep while it was parked at the airport last week. It actually bent the bumper a little bit, most of the damage sits underneath the plastic corner, so it’s not all that visible, but it still chaps my ass. I wish I know who the faggot was because I’d put a bigass hitch on and back into his/her car just as hard.