dori ops nov 4 ya dig

more to come

i hate life productions

Nikolish camera man

350z Chase car

man now i miss drifting


^get your diff fixed?

good vid.

hey whos car was that drifting, the rear bumper is dirty lol

looks like Chris aka canadiandrifter240sx styles.

I’m right Avery?

Actually under closer inspection…I see manji action. Vlad it is.


ding ding ding!


ding ding ding![/quote]

hehe Vlad is getting good.
I miss dori a little :frowning:


cut your hair you hippies!

hey vlad where your tires bald when you were drifting?

ahahaha goalie mask ftw

avery im jealous of your puma kicks

they’re hightops too lol

^^ never knew members of GGGGGUNIT wore pumas

hahaha playn.

nice vids. were u running a vlsd on the red coupe?

cant wait for the CRAZY vids.

best for last eh.

yea, vlsd

there is alot of footage we are going to turn into a nice video…

still waiting to get footage from jover and others who took vids

i saw that z33 that night while drinking by leslie n 16th

nice vids

guys i have alot of footage of me avery david wayne primer240 and i need more to make a video… if anyone has footage that should be in a event vid send my way… thanks! msn

edit: i also want jovers video

LOL, i was drinking too, were you in Zodiac? Didn’t see any cars similar to the one in your sig…

I got booked by a cop for drinking with G2 after he saw my little tire squeal through a corner… So I got pissed, and skipped sleep to go to track last minute.

lol… i was driving a crappy sentra standing around frens g35c. didnt stay too long at zodiac… went to inn instead lol. nice car!

Best Pic of the day haha