Dorifto Meet / 9:30 - 10:00pm 12/4


i saw an evo around 6 have issues haha but he gave me a thumbs up and all was well.

fuckkkkkk i wish i had seen this earlier i didnt even notice. rar and i wanna go out lol

where are zeee pics

after last night i went home i drifted side streets all the way home then i forgot i didnt have gas and that i didnt wash the snow out of my wheelsso hopefully i dont run out when i get to the gas station. time for new snow tires though!

yea it was a pretty fun night. post up those pics and vids.

is it bad on the car to just pull the e-brake like that? ive been doing it for the past 2 days on my newly acquired civic and i dont wanna fuck anything up. lol

sorry in advance for the noob question

No, wont be a problem, as long as you are doming it on a slick surface.

Last night was fun though, hopefully Cal can get a Video Capture card soon, so we can see some vids.

yeah big lots parking lot in west seneca is a prime location of tons of snow covered parking lot. if theres another one soon i think imma make the trip out and try my skillz lol

thanks. hope vids are up soon.

cliff notes of funnies:
accord driver tard hits curb at mighty as we leave
importmuscle hating his truck and bombing curbs all night
fuzzy taking me for axlespins=SWEET
4…YES 4! neons all drifting in unison
3 of 4 neons slid into curbs, one taking out a pole…no damage.
nitroinsane running to his car, flying into mid-air and slidding almost UNDER his car.
the snow was falling so much that it was constantly replenishing our drift spot

sounds like a good time, I’ll have to make one with ya guys. I spent last night driving around warming up for the season, like ridin a bike tho. Me and my buddy drove around for about 2 hours, and I didn’t get pulled over :tup:

Or bring the darned camera over here so I can capture the videos. :slight_smile:


By far the best 3 of the night, But Joe takes the 1st place prize, I was laughing so hard.

Hahahaha…yeah I was having a hard time turning around by Syms…every time i did an ebrake slide in that intersection, i ended up doing a 360 instead of the intended 180 :gotme:

i need to be alerted of this fun lol

Seriously I could have used another AWD partner in crime.

no truck hate here, although imm getting pretty good at drifting a one wheel peal RWD pickup.

New meet

This friday

It was def a blast :tup:

im up for some drifting in my 95 dakota… 1st time i was out in the snow with it and its not that bad to drift…wish i had my camaro out like last year
