Dorifto Meet / 9:30 - 10:00pm 12/4

sweet. i drift my moms car but i cant pull the e-brake due to it not being next to the seat i just cut the wheel real hard and i go from their.


tonight, meet at mighty around like 10:00

shits gonna be like greased glass.


Is it supposed to snow tonight? How is this going to be a good meet?

I’m not sure the streets are dry, the parking lots are also. mybye the southtowns are better but here in NT its no good.

count me out I dont want to ruin my tires on dry pavment… :slight_smile:

Sweet, a no snow drift meet. Time for the real drifters to shine.

Are eastern hills parking lots still covered? or have i been out of the loop. I know packed snow tends to melt when it reaches the blistering high of 28 degrees. :bloated:

they salted the roads, cars drag the salt into parking lots snow melts.


i can’t shine the car doens’t have enough pwoer to do anything on pavement!!!

i was at the eastern hills mall again today… the back part of the lots are not plowed and are still covered in snow

siqqq its still on woo hoo

and brake there trannys …ahaha sorry i had to.


just talked to mike, this has been pushed back to Mighty at around 11. he was just leaving batavia a few min ago. i will be bringing my vid camera and i actually have a capture card lol.

mike i need you to take a pic for me with my camera and me snow drifting.