Douglas the Pug


newman, you are fucking lame


:word: dogs fucking rule. pugs do not.

nope. you’re wrong.

all dogs suck.


nope. you’re wrong.

all dogs suck.


now how can you tell me that these lil guys suck?

omg so cute. what kind of dogs are they?

edit: and newman says that because he must be a cat person. I like dogs, I run over cats. People have different likes :slight_smile:

siberian huskies

sled dogs rule - thats what im getting next.

one step less mean than my pitbull :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: all though malamutes (sp) are pretty BA, my aunt had one that used to take down deer and drag them back to the house lol

I told Jon if I ever got a big dog, that is what i would want. How much do they run for puppies?

sure, they’re cute.

but i imagine that they are also currently or will be:


siberian huskies


My favorite dogs. I want to get one when I’m in vermont for a mountain biking partner.

I thought dogs were expensive until I bought my own. Doug was expensive to buy, but otherwise - his food is 10 bucks a month, his shots are 15 bucks a year and his neuter will be 200 bucks… not bad to me


edit: all though malamutes (sp) are pretty BA, my aunt had one that used to take down deer and drag them back to the house lol


I guess it is somewhat common as they are so genetically similar to wolves that they still have some of that instinct in them. They are incredibly caring though too. Smart and require a lot of exercise as well.

dogs aren’t expensive - the rest is pretty spot on though for most dogs. with training and proper hygiene there is no reason for any of them though.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:50,topic:39429"”]

I thought dogs were expensive until I bought my own. Doug was expensive to buy, but otherwise - his food is 10 bucks a month, his shots are 15 bucks a year and his neuter will be 200 bucks… not bad to me


thats because you have a tiny dog… big dogs eat a lot more food :stuck_out_tongue:

my dog is medium sized, he goes through about $15 of food bi-weekly plus treats and what not, probably around $10/week. big dog double it, but its not bad still.

not a cat person either. though, cats are never any of those negatives i listed.


not a cat person either. though, cats are never any of those negatives i listed.


a cat that tears up a bunch of your stuff is certainly irritating, and they def smell

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:47,topic:39429"”]

I told Jon if I ever got a big dog, that is what i would want. How much do they run for puppies?


I’m not sure. My friend got his for free.

and newman, they really aren’t expensive to maintain as long as you don’t neglect to take care of the poor lil guy. and if you’re neglecting him in the 1st place you shouldn’t have an animal.


sure, they’re cute.

but i imagine that they are also currently or will be:


loud - not really
expensive - ehhhhh
irritating - sometimes

loyal - ALWAYS
loving - ALWAYS
smart - ALWAYS

there are tons of positives. Being a dog owner is just awesome, but all good things have negatives that go along with it. If your willing to put in the time, you can raise good dogs that are not loud and irritating and malodorous(a bath every now and then isnt really that hard).

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:50,topic:39429"”]

I thought dogs were expensive until I bought my own. Doug was expensive to buy, but otherwise - his food is 10 bucks a month, his shots are 15 bucks a year and his neuter will be 200 bucks… not bad to me


yeah its expensive initially, but food and treats dont really break the bank for me


a cat that tears up a bunch of your stuff is certainly irritating, and they def smell


cat’s don’t smell. a litter box smells, but cats don’t.

my parents never owned a cat that smells.

at any rate.

dogs still suck.

Cats are the worst. I think the worst thing about a cat is that they cannot travel without shitting in their cage. At least a dog can be trained to wait.

I think the litter and cat food cost way more then a dog too. And the scratch up everything. I could also never keep the kitchen floor clean because it would drag the litter EVERYWHERE. I’m soooooooooooo glad we got rid of that cat. :slight_smile:

a dogs loyalty far outweighs any positive aspect of owning a cat, hands down