Douglas the Pug

Cats are indifferent. Dogs love their owners. Skunks cat pisses on his clothes, i would rather hafe a guinea pig than a cat.

cats are the suck. hardcore.

keep in mind i am not pro-cat.

i am not a big fan of pets in general.

if i want some loyalty, i’ll con a girl into liking me. at least she knows how to use the toilet.

dogs are like a shitty excuse for the significant other that ugly/dumb people can’t seem to find. Or for couples too irresponsible/shitty to have kids.

i have 3 guinea pigs as well. my house is like a zoo

LOL, everyone pisses on skunks clothes though - i’m training my dog to do so as we speak.

Ugh, a poorly trained cat pissing on a carpet is the worst thing ever. That shit smells so horrible.

As for Husky prices, they are about $600-$700 usually for a Husky puppy.

lol, touche

Skunk gets brought into every thread… :stuck_out_tongue: <3

dogs are like a shitty excuse for the significant other that ugly/dumb people can’t seem to find. Or for couples too irresponsible/shitty to have kids. >>>pugs

pugs are dumb, my friends use to walk into walls head first

thank you for figuring out whats wrong with me. i just need a dog.

aww cute lab…this is the best picture:


LOL, that fucking ugly mother fucker gets me every time. I cant help but laugh at everytime I see that pic, and by laugh I mean cry because its that good.

As for newman…


i will be getting a Siberian husky too


it already knows how to attack adam… so i think he’s good for now

i know :frowning:

false… he pisses in the toilet.

he went on my clothes cause i forgot to clean the litter box

haha, pugs are awesome.

i still dont get why you named it DOUG…

who names their pet DOUG.

as per JIM (chino)…thats like naming your cat CATHY…

I would punch someone in the face

Doug the Pug :slight_smile:

But skunk… you can call him dougie, douglas, D.J. (Douglas Jonathan)

he loves his name. and the vet thinks it is creative lol

I actually have a funny story about his name…but i’ll tell you that over drinks :slight_smile:


i dont wanna hear the story :stuck_out_tongue: