Drag racing on Android?

Any one play this https://market.android.com/details?id=com.creativemobile.DragRacing&hl=en


Yup, romped through the majority of it with the green gallardo. That thing totally kicked ass.

Just picked up the Hennesey Venom GT – its fast, but goddamn does it need some tire. Still trying to save up for that. level 8 is hard to win races in, even heads up.

I just started playing only on level 2 :frowning:

LZ1LZ is my name on there

Just clicked the link to push it to my phone :tup:

been playing for a few weeks now. was super addicting at first but kinda lost interest.

Yeah, I had a maxed out Hennesy Venom GT + a ton of other cars but lost them when I had to wipe my phone, and I can’t go back to racing the slow cars again…


going thru level one with an SRT-4

yup, after i wiped my phone and lost everything i lost interest.

I have a koenigsegg that i really need to upgrade.
I rarely play it now.

First few weeks was really addicting. Got down to 8.80’s though. It’s cool how the tuning makes such a huge difference.

i used to play this 24/7 in the beginning of summer, but havent looked at it in awhile.

Yep, played it a bit, I suppose.

RP: 37386
Cash: $16,050,162

Only have three cars right now though
E36 328is
Maxed out SSC Ultimate Aero (best 1/4: 7.431, best 1/2: 10.998)
Maxed out Hennessey Venom GT

I do…Navitec Rosso is the standby to pick up easy cash. I got up to level 8 then going back to win the lower levels in pro league now…T/A, then M3

Just found this thread…

I’m articzap on there.