see all I’ve heard about from my uncle, father, and their friends, is all the cool cars they’ve had that they regret selling. So I decided not to sell cars that really mean something to me, hence my touring and my 240z. touring isn’t really replaceable, and 240z’s are getting more and more rare, and would be esp moreso w/an rb.
i used to want a z32 tt 300zx. figured maybe down the road I’d get one. I still would like one, but after stomping them in the corners in a mostly stock 240z at Watkins Glen, I realized I should just give the 240z more power if I wanted to rival it.
I agree with you…I wish I could have every car I have owned…because I had an emotional attachment to them all. But for the sake of practicality and finances I will probably own one at a time and if one “speaks to me” enough then I would probably hang on to it…but I havent quite experienced that yet…situations change and things need to be sold to solve problems.
Boioioioingg, yeah I wouldnt mind one of those. thats a realistic dream car of mine. But the 67 shelby gt 500 just tickles me for some reason…I love it. Oh and it was my favorite car before gone in 60 seconds came out.
the 911 is not just a 911 its condsiderd the 930 because of the turbo,widebody and whale tail. but that is my 1st choice since i was little. they are just the most perfect body line ever made, thats what i compair all other cars to.
i have been looking at these alot lately…there is an SC right near my house that is uber nice…i dont think its for sale but still hot…they would also be one of my choices