Dream Car *pics* (56k go away)

whats not realistic about a zonda?

you have no idea…

How about the $300,000+ price tag?

i wish i was your mom. you’re probably really easy to please. give you some bread and water and you’re set.

my tastes have changed a bit for DD’s with age. nomore little nimble tin cans. i want a sport sedan.

Audi RS4

but i will always have a love affair for the affordable exotic and hope to own one someday.

Chevrolet Corvette Z06

hahahah :biglaugh:

actually my mom is a fine cook and makes amazing food every night.


two of my ultimate dream cars have already been posted, the escort cosworth, and the r33 skyline. now for the car i plan to buy when i graduate UB:

volvo s60r



404 good comeback not found

2002 V8TT


what can i say…we have good taste

I’ll have one in less than 10 years, mark my words.

so…you said resonable dream car and this is reasonable for my future finances…

OT: These 3 pictures were just too hot not to post. Sorry.
(997 GT3RSR)

elise in the near future to hold me off and then after a few years F355 to hold me off until i can afford an F430

Marlboro converted ten to give away in a promotion. The Marlboro Syclones were repainted Hot Licks Red and received a targa top, racing seats, performance chip changer, hard tonneau cover, wheels, Borla exhaust, and white sticker package. I have wanted the marlboro edition for ever also!

lets see here for my realistic choices:

kinda far fetched…but if i get a good job then yes!:

and, yes, ive seen people make these road legal…how sick would 850hp be?!



there she is

To be honest, I’ve already got the 2 cars I’ve always wanted

As soon as I found out e30 tourings existed, I’ve been drooling. About a year and a half ago I had it all set up to go buy an e30 m3. i was about to leave and the kid called saying it was sold at 4am the prev night! i was piiiisssed. came home, popped up the jack daniels. was browsing maxbimmer and saw the touring. figured id scroll down and see it sold. that wasn’t the case. call the guy, he says “sorry, some guy is coming up to show me his 318is and trade+cash.” I went out to a bar. Guy calls me at 1:30am saying the 318 was a pos and i could come check it out.

don (clutterbucker) drove me up there the next day to check it out, and I bought it right away. It’s been off the road for the swap, just waiting for the cam, which finally came in, but they forgot the f’ing valve springs. so anyway, i have that car, and the suspension, and the body components i’ve always wanted. so pretty soon I will be “done” with that

and i’ve loved 240z’s since i could remember. my dad has 3, uncle has 2. had one that was too beat that i didnt want to restore. bought a beautiful one, which has unfortunately been neglected as I can’t find a decent fucking garage on the west side

but eventually it will get painted, and be driveable, but to make it my dream 240z I gotta get the rb26dett in there. Since I (think) I’m done dumping money into my touring, hopefully this will be my next project

I am pretty much good with my 93 F-Bod :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont have just one dream car…the one I always wanted growing up was a 300zxTT…had that…didnt quite turn out as super sweet as I thought it would. Basically I will probably do what I have always done…buy and sell things that I like which appeal to me at the time. I don’t have one set car that I put on a pedestal above all others…but I know there are about 40 cars I can think of off the top of my head that I would like to own and probably will…but I dont feel a need for a collection…I will more than likely sell one to finance part of the next and repeat process for a long time.