once upon a time in mexico

what does that have to do with anything?

i dont need you to explain the cooling properties of methanol, but im curious to why you said that.

you will rarely come across an Evo that doesnt have methanol, or some type of alternative fuel powering it.

EDIT: under video comments, i love 2000viperGTS’ comment
“You guys realize this is a 7 PSI SC? How about running a 28 PSI Viper, which incidently makes nearly 2000 HP and they are running around on the street, so go boost for boost and gear for gear, this is not even close in this case”

sounds like what alot of the guys on here would say… lets race boost for boost, your 4 banger has 30psi, let me put 30psi through my engine and see who wins… wah wah wah