drift accident overseas

one of my members on my gaming site posted some pics and a link to this video of a drift accident that happened at a local drift event…

the dude in yellow gets his salad tossed !


im only postin this cuz , i think the woman speaking in the background is sexy and i wanted to get more opinions on that

im kinda digging this lituaniananaiananese comin from her lips but i wanna see some pics !

FAIL!:wierd it doesnt even show the b-tch in the video :eek3 I watched it twice to make sure.

i just watched it one time…

anyways im too lazy to post pics from what was posted on my forum but i think she might be in one of them, if not then someother news reporter bitch, 30’s looking white / blond

wtf were those people doing so close to the track in the first place?

oh yea sorry lemme explain

that was the parking area or some shit apparently and the guy who crashed was showing off after leaving the track , and fucked up… badly

translation anyone, i can only understand “doriftoing” lol that dude got FUCKED hard, that quarter right by the tail lights got fucked haha

holy fuck that shit was way violent

yea two guys REALLY get hit hard and flown into the air

your just plain dumb if your standing in that area. i do feel sorry for the people who got hurt but the driver can in no way be blamed for any of that.

Your saying those people are plain dumb for standing in the safety designated parking area.

The driver who was show boating after exiting the track is responsible for nothing?

You’re a retard learn to speak other luanguages dumbass

yea shit happens and drivers do stupid shit. but you would think they would have some kind of barriers. i saw it at lv first hand alot of people were standing next to the exit and alot of drivers wouldn’t lift til the last second. so if your dumb enough to stand in that spot i don’t feel bad for you.

also if you think a row of cones is a safety designated parking area you sir are the retarded one.

I personally like being hit by cars at high speeds.

Its a rush

Yeah those people are too close, people need to use common sense. But the event organizer should do a better job at designating safe areas and/or being strict with the drivers on exiting the course.

Remind me and before I paint my car I’ll drift into you doing like 100 :lol

dude the only other rush that good is inappropriately touching underaged girls infront of their parents

i didn’t see you getting mad jdm drift vids at lvd like you said you were going to. you wanted to be in the center of the track remember.

no one brought me a video camera.

Bring me a camera and see if they will let me chase the car around with that golf cart


Yeah it’s hard to hold back if you get a good run, I know I stayed right in it til the last 50ft of track (even through the finishing cones :rofl)

yea what the news lady was saying in the video is that they are blaming most of it on the driver for being a retard…

i personally think its the event organizers fault in the first place for not fully protecting the course , but either way, if you go showing off OUT of the course, thats your own fucking fault there was no need for that

and then comes the common sense, and lack of it…

so i guess its everyones fault in a way, tho the driver is the direct cause of the whole issue

that golfcart was a piece! no way it’s gonna keep up enough. your better off standing on top of the cement blocks by the light pole.