Drifting gone wrong


Not smooth. Not smooth at all.

no sound at school but just as amussing

what was this guy thinking?

“I don’t know what I’m doing so I’ll do it really fast so I understear and go right into that tree there” lol

hahahaha, locked the front wheel, tried to drop a gear…hahahaha


i love the people that were by the tree and how they just calmly walk away :lol:

wow wtf?

sounds like he gunned it in an attempt to create wheel spin
and it gripped…
to correct this he shit himself and locked up the brakes.


can’t watch at work. Is this the one of the white suby wagon? If so I’ve been looking for that vid.

:lol: nope, a 350Z eating it about 5 seconds out from the gate.

I’m guessing he didn’t get a 10 from the judges, or a request for “one more time?” :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the guys putting on these drifting events need to do more research into proper course design. They could learn a thing or too from the autocross crowd in that regard. They should probably provide more instruction as well. A lot of these drift events people with no car control are just left to their own devices. They should have more experienced guys spend more time with them, especially on a close proximity course like that so that they can pick up brake points and when to start shifting the weight of the car properly.

Silly accidents like that are always going to happen unless they start to change things. The driver could have also been killed (The passenger was injured).

Here are the guys that put on the event.



HOLY FUCKING SHIT, the event organizers need either a boot in the ass or a gun to the face, after seeing that little kid I’m leaning to the later.

If that tree wasn’t there…

see, thats what to big of a rear wing does, it unloads the front tires at speed and you get horrible understeer

im surprised the tree didnt snap, he hit that tree hard

WOW people are assholes if i saw a crash like that i would be running to try and help not walking away :tdown:

why woudl you enter a turn like that with that much speed? its not some 600hp monster that wil break them loose at your very command. maybe poor instruction or maybe just a ignorant driver that knows it all. how bad was the passanger hurt they hit HARD

It amazes me some of the stupidity you see at drift events. You get the combination of guys with amazing car control and those with none.

Cones about a foot from a curb on the outside of a turn, with spectators only a couple feet away, on a course where the object is to get sideways. Hopefully jackasses like these guys don’t ever come around our area. That’s just a bunch of serious accidents waiting to happen and it would only make it that much harded to find new autocross sites. In the eyes of the property owners we’d get lumped in with those morons.

is it just me or did that sound like an automatic? that mighta been part of the problem sounds like the tranny didn’t know where it should be and he just kept going

tree +1 350z -1

No F.Dot, it was stick.

Third hand info from the internet, but the word on Miata.Net is that drift events have been banned from Qualcomm from now on. Way to go asshats :tup:

Yeah the guy this happened to isn’t allowed to talk to anyone - even online about it for legal reasons… since he had a passanger too.

Aparently he clutch-kicked to swing the back end out… and that didn’t work out well :roll2: