Drift Factory Kei Office Install In HCI

Drift Factory’s RB26DETT powered drift car is featured in this months HCI Magazine. The write-up spans four pages and details the install of our custom Kei Office coilovers. If you are looking for a walkthrough to installing your own coils or you just want to check it out be sure to pick up a copy at your local news stand


Hey DriftFactory (Lori?),

Love the car…

One question, I’m assuming you use these updates as a marketing tool for your business right? Does that mean you are going to let Canadian’s use their creditcards again. I just placed an order with you guys and had to use a buddies card (he is Stateside)

If we send you a PM here and introduce ourselves…does that satisfy your fraud concerns?

(Not trying to be a dck, I was just really happy with the service I received from you guys and would like to place future orders.)

Thanks, Happy

Hi Happy,

Any ad or article can be used as a good marketing tool, but we are also genuinely excited about building this car and we have had much interest in it from customers and suppliers alike. We decided to release step by step updates because we wanted to show people how things like this were done rather than just showing the final result. We are putting in a lot of hours to build this car but we feel that it is going to be worth it in the end.

Regarding the payment situation, no offense taken. I know it is frustrating for Canadian customers sometimes because they are often asked to pay by money order etc. But this is a requirement of our merchant service and it is also the only way we can be 100% assured that our customers end up receiving the products they purchased.

Its possible that in the future our merchant service may change its policies, but until then we will have to continue processing Canadian orders in this way.

Thank you for the compliment on our service. It means a lot to us when our customers are satisfied. I am currently investigating Paypal options with regards to international payments and hopefully I will have some better solutions for the future.