We have a new Drift Factory store featuring brand new product additions, reviews, specials, best sellers and more. Simply sign up for your personal account to make a purchase. This catalog is very easy to use and makes searching for products a breeze. You can search using the Quick Find box or browse by manufacturer. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and register for automatic product updates! We are determined to make your buying experience as easy as possible, so we hope you enjoy our new look.
What if I am already a member of Drift Factory, does that mean I already have an account or do I still have to register for this?
Also do we need a credit card to order from your site or is Paypal cool?
Thanks Lori.
Hey sidewaze,
You will have to sign up to take advantage of all of the site features including writing reviews and receiving automatic updates as well as ordering. But it is a very simple form and doesn’t take long!
Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘)’ in d:\websites\driftfactory\online\catalog\includes\boxes\information.php on line 27
PS. osCommerce rox0rz y0ur b0x0rz
umm yea that parse error was up for a couple of seconds while we were working on the admin side. It’s gone now.
what shipping to ontario canada for a kaaz 2way gona run me? s13.
Can you email me your request to: customerservice@driftfactory.com with your full shipping address including zip code? Thanks.
Hey sidewayz, I just saw the other part of your question. There is on option at checkout to pay via paypal
Hi Lori.
Thats great, thanks for letting me know.
I registered last night and checked out what is available. Your new catalog looks really good. I’ll keep checking in every once in while to see what’s new.
Take care.
Easy 8)