Drift Free Weekends: Sat Aug 4 KAWARTHA SPEEDWAY

Here’s a vid of our Trueno…


Awesome session, I never knew the oval could be so much fun. Thanks to everyone that helped me out, thanks to Curtis and your crew for letting me cruise with you home.
It’s gonna take more than some wall carnage to stop me, just call me Puff Daddy cus I “can’t stop, won’t stop”

Chris (smashed up black S14)

haha I gotta see pics of that S14 man! I will try coming up for the next one!

Chris Man, keep us updated on your plans. I’m telling you, perfect time for a conversion.

If you need help, I’d be willing to lend a hand for some gas money and breakfast at “Angie’s Kitchen”.

Awesome event like always.

Another vid on the oval… link fixed

Drift Free Weekends - Oval Action


^ that link didn’t work.
its shortened and won’t work.

OMGGGGG CHRIS its season… what happened T___T

I thought I would try the E-brake on the oval, I must’ve come in to fast, cus my ass end just slid up into the wall, I was fighting like crazy to avoid it but the wall wanted it more I guess. It was one of those moments where you wonder if that just happened. I keep trying to think of what I did wrong, maybe I’m just not ready for high speeds, I don’t know.
There was lots of people taking pictures so I’m sure you’ll see what it looked like at some point. Going to find out this week if it’s worth fixing.

Im sure pretty much anyone who was there is willing to help you with anything if you need it…
Dave get some piccctures mang

Honestly this just pisses me off that i couldnt make it. no car and no one could give me a damn ride out!

anyways dunno if anyone posted the pix of the accident so here are a few and why i didnt come out.


look at my damn car

if someone was sitting there they would have been dead!

look at the strut bar!

thats a preview. for thos who havent seen all the pix ill post the link below for pix on tnc. check the 1st and 3rd pages:


i dun see anything wrong cept for your front tire being flat =P jkz haha

glad yur alright man, we need to make you some money bro so you can get back into the game =D

daaaamn chris, i’m sorry to hear about the crash.

hope its fixable!!!

Hey guys just a lil vid i put together from justin and i Drifting at Kawartha Speedway.


like the soundtrack. badass boys.nice work

Kurt we need to make a team since everyone else has one…

hey matt and kurt… where are the pix and vidz of you too huh?

i think they fgot sent to some porn site by accident, were pretty rediculously good looking u know, hahahha
naw im kidding theyre coming …muaahhhaahaha

hmmm which porn site because i want to see teh pictures