
Woottt!!! im the start of the video… lol i feel special samson… i thought you got more footage though?

i did get more footage, but those were basically the best shots of each car.

i forgot to add myself in the gymkahana…oh well LOL

like i said, i did it in 2hrs. real rush but watever, next event that will be at a track will be better clips!

we need to get a dedicated camera men for next event!

nice vid samson! cant wait for next event. we should hit up grand bend for gymkahana. we got the practise but i dunno about tires lol


i need to get more smoke out of my tires…looks better lol

well the next one NuVisionz will attend and cover the event so yeah :R and grandbend isnt far… i cant believe someone told me 5hrs :S

^ sweet footage… i wonder who it was that took it

j/k… next time i won’t zoom in and out so much… hahah

^^ credit goes to allan, which is the guy above my post.

also, credit goes to Grace which also filmed along with some other people like Amy.

good work guys, my clip wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you ppls

such a good photo-op, i blame work!

thank you all for not taking any pictures or videos of my sad attempt to drift… i blame a busted ass car

heheh, bringing my tripod and taking the time from joyriding to take those clips were worth it.

its funny, because often times, people with the cars, are always like, look at this guy taking all the photos or the videos, what a noob or some sort of random comment like that in their head. BUT, everyone is grateful the next day, when they can see themselves on video or still picture.

even though your shocks were blown, i’m pretty sure you could of attempted and tried to do what you could. i mean, you drove all the way there, might as well make the best of it?

matt its just cuz of over heating and there were pix of your car i know it… let me drive your car next time and you can try mine :smiley:

Event looked fun…good job on the video too

mike you should come out! :R

I had a wedding that day :frowning: Peterborough is only about 30 minutes from my house too

Ohhhhh buddy i dont think you will be able to handel it next time
Dual electrics and D2’s…cant wait lmao!!! :C

you better come next time or else… :C lol

Matt: what are you taking about… the real question is can your car handel me!!! hahahaha

i went and did some drifting tonight behind a big dumb factory and i must say it works very well now

grrr my car has mad body roll GAH!!! it needs to be lower’d :mad: