Drift Ops Season Opener April 26!

Man I am SO pumped. Just look for the skyline crammed with everything and you’ll find me :slight_smile:

Counting down!!!

BTW a lot of people have been asking about doing both grip and drift. If you’ve paid for Drift, you can do grip also for $60. But if we catch you drifting on the grip side you WILL BE KICKED OFF WITHOUT WARNING.

see you tomorrow!

Outlook calls for occasional showers, thunderstorm and sun too… lol better than toronto’s outlook.


AMP’D… ssoooo AMP’D!

Car is all together and cleaned up ready to Drift i cant wait …first time new engine going to be fun see you guys tomaorw:)

big tks to drift ops guys for putting this on!!! lots and lots of fun and it was nice to see the drift gods were with us by allowing nice weather ( until 4pm)

ALthough i spent msot of my time, understeering into ditches, spinning out, fighting hicas, i had a great time. Thanks to kenrick, wayne, alex and the rest of d-ops people!

i had a great time. the guys that were out in the rain near the end of the day were throwing it down hard! Very impressive!

Thanks for organizing this guys, i had a great time, and pics will be up shortly, Wayne, if you want them for the D-Ops site then lemme know and ill burn it on a disc for you or something, PM me and we’ll talk

Wow I had so much fun especially with the dudes who slept there Friday. That funnel was Intense! Josh get the fuck to bed. Chris funnel on the skyline…etc etc all followed by early morning dorifto. Word up to DriftOps!

yeaa soo sweet, i managed to make it out there for the last bit.
SOOO fun.

Great job guys


Standing by for pictures…

awsome day guys!!

im so killed right now i think this will be the first saturday night ever i fall asleep b4 midnight

so pissed i missed out… fucking work, what a bunch of sacks of shit!

Is that Conky’s car?


wheres all the friday night pics? lol

I think it was sideways14’s car.

woah looks and sounds like a lot of fun

this was probably the best time ever great opener.
anways i have some video but my camra died :frowning:
i killed my quarter pannel with that tire that belted harcore loool

Thanks for the awesome coordination of this event and big props to the DriftOps crew (including the girls).

Weather was awesome and it was nice drifting in the dry AND rain. Awesome turn out and everyone was killing it out there!

Hopefully for those guys who had a few mishaps, get back on their feet and keep going at it!

I hope everyone made it home safely =D